Hi All,
Good Day :-)
Clauses of deed of settlement - Memorandum of Understanding:
- The FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY have decided to part their ways separately forever dissolving their marriage and there is no marital relationship between them i.e., FIRST PARTY & SECOND PARTY forever from today onwards.
- That the FIRST PARTY shall not file any kind of false case or cases against the SECOND PARTY and his family members in future.
- That the FIRST PARTY shall not claim any Maintenance from the SECOND PARTY and there are no claims remained with each other.
- First party(Smt. Wife) hereby assure/confirm that any further future allegations by me (Smt. Wife– FIRST PARTY) in ref. to dowry harassment/domestic violence /mental/any kind of torture/ to my husband and husband’s family members from Now onwards would not be legible in any circumstances as the “decision taken by me(Smt. Wife – FIRST PARTY) not to join with my husband is under my pure consciousness with the help of Elders and well-wishers the discussion which were held on 18-Sep-2016”.
- That the SECOND PARTY, as per this “Deed of Matrimonial Settlement with Mutual Consent”, SECOND PARTY has agreed to pay an amount of Rs. /- (Rupees only) as permanent alimony to (Smt. Wife - FIRST PARTY) towards full and final settlement, SECOND PARTY paid an amount Rs. /- vide DD No. dt: -Sep-2016, in the name of FIRST PARTY drawn on payable at.
- That the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY herein has agreed and oath in the presence of elders and well-wishers that never to rejoin their matrimonial life again in future.
- That both the parties declares that “full conscious, freely and under no duress and in sound mind and full senses and free from any kind of pressure and fully understand what is right and wrong. With their free will, without any force or compulsions from parents & others”.
- That both the parties agreed and took oath in the presence of elders and well-wishers that “NOT to re-join the matrimonial life forever and live long life happily individually with their spouses (if any), immediately from this time (18-Sep-2016) onwards”.
In witness whereof, both the parties scribed their signatures on deed of settlement with their own free will and consent without any coercion or undue influence on this the day, month and year as aforementioned in the presence of below witness.
Note: Two originals are prepared; each is retained with FIRST and SECOND PARTY.
Photo (Must be)
Name: Smt. Wife
Photo (Must be)
Name: Ch Ramesh
Name Signature Photo Thumb Impression
ββAny further information/queries contact me on (+91) 9247261503 and my mail id is ankaraj.marri.llb999@gmail.com
Contact me throug online : https://sites.google.com/site/onlineservicesankarajmarri/query_form
My Site: https://sites.google.com/site/onlineservicesankarajmarri/