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Anju (Sr Manager)     15 October 2013

Mental torture and harassment from icici bank recovery agent

Mental torture and harassment from ICICI BANK Recovery Agents

I had a Credit card (4477 **** **** 7012)  8  years back and dues to some reasons it was misuse / wrongly billed by someone and  I had discontinued it and asked clarification on the details ( which I did not get). it went for a long time and later i was in some family trouble that it missed out of my mind and years passed and no one contacted me hence I assumed it got resolved and closed.

Now recently from past one week I have started get calls from ( 011-45524601 / 011-48554832 Pawan & Kamal) collection / Recovery agents of your bank and Harassing me to make a payment of 81K appox. They have being calling my office board line abusing and using offensive words with my colleagues  to defaming my image in the office which is mental torture and harassment. Also, threatening me and my family for dire Consequence and defaming my social status.

I am not running away any where !!! I responds to their calls on my cell phone than why this harassment and mental torture ???  I and am ready to settle if any  genuine dues are dues are pending, provided, I get a details statement of the same to reconcile


 I have requested them to send me the details of the same for which they are NOT READY to provide me and information saying that this is a very old matter and they DO NOT HAVE any details ---Please tell me how can one make any payment without know for what is he paying?

 18 Replies

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     15 October 2013

File a criminal case against them
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Kumar Doab (FIN)     15 October 2013

First of all it is felt that the matter is hopelessly time barred for the bank.

As per various publications it is felt that this bank is a habitual offender.

The Supreme Court of India has decided cases involving the conduct of this bank.

As advised by Mr. Sharma record lodge criminal complaint with police.

Record all calls and keep the original memory card safely.

Let them also state that they do not have any details/statement………………….!!!!


Let your lawyer take over the matter and call this Pawan, Kamal, BM of local branch of M/s ICICI Bank, MD of the bank, Regional –Head of collection/Recovery of the bank in nearest police station……………court of law for threat, coercion, criminal intimidation………………………etc

Thru your lawyer YOU MAY LODGE A COMPLIANT WITH following and demand to cancel the license of the bank which has not corrected its conduct despite supreme court judgements.

Smt. Uma Subramaniam
Chief General Manager -in-Charge
Department of Non-Banking Supervision
Central Office
Centre I, World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade
Mumbai-400 005.

Phone: 022-22153350

Email id:


Reserve Bank of India
Central Office Building
18th Floor, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Mumbai-400 001.



You may carefully go thru following thread which you shall find relevant and useful.


Discussion > Civil Law > Harrasment by icici banks recovery agents   Unanswered ThreadsPost New Topic




Attached File : 576951038 818336822 4 4 private bank harrasment.pdf, 576951038 818336822 judgment on credit card 2.pdf downloaded: 916 times
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Kumar has opined very well. Additionally, as per my understanding of the law, you must approach the Consumer Forum and get the requisite damages and compensation for the same.

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icicibankcare (Bank)     17 October 2013


Dear Madam, 

We are sorry to hear about your experience. Please send us your contact details at and our official will get back to you soon. Kindly refer '46135093' in the subject line. 


ICICI Bank Customer Service Team. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 October 2013


It is felt that the matter is hopelessly time barred for the bank.

Until or unless advised by your lawyer do not submit anything to the bank.

The calls are seemingly strategy of the bank to obtain acceptance from citizens.


icicibankcare has been intervening in threads however there qurists that have posted suggests that  once they engage with bank nothing is done. The bank again starts with same tricks and tactics.


You may update the thread if you engage with the bank.


You may now preferably deal with the bank thru your lawyer specializing in such matters and consumer cases/criminal law. Reiterate to the bank that it must withdraw and call back your name from list of bad customers of the bank, CIBIL, EXPERIAN, EQUIFAX, Master card Negative Feedback list and all recover/collection agencies/bureaus and supply you the copy of all communication of the bank supplied till date (including the one sent to this Pawan and Kamal) and latest one calling back you name by accepting that bank was at fault in sending your name.


As per RBI guidelines issued by RBI, BCSBI, IBA are mandatory on banks and have having statutory force.


Banks have to maintain the list of its collection and recovery agencies on its website.


You may check if this Pawan and Kamal and their phone number is listed by Bank on its website.


Bank should declare in writing that after calling back your name it shall not demand any other amounts and it shall not have any adverse effect on your loan taking ability in future.







2 Like

Anju (Sr Manager)     18 October 2013

yesterday i received a call from a lady from +91 4044305700 at 10:30 am -- I guess the Banks customer care---- she assured me that these recovery agents will not harass and call my office Landline, However, this harassment is still continuing .... Pawan ( recovery Agent) called me again in the afternoon and used un-parliamentary language and threaten me again and was not ready to listen to me 
Also the landline nos from which they are calling are NOT listed in your collection / Recovery agent list published on the net.( 011-45524601 / 011-48554832 Pawan & Kamal)

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 October 2013

Record all phone calls.

Lodge criminal complaint with police, women cell, and include the name of MD/CEO/Chairman and CCE of the bank that has recently called you to confirm that the recovery agents of the bank have been calling you and now won't call again.

Take a crowd of well wishers and police to local office of the bank and make sure that they are given good beating of mind.

Submit a memorandum to BM (with a copy to police/SHO women cell), media, national Women's Commission, NHRC, and set a date within whihc bank shall beg apology in writing and admit its wrongdoings.

If still bank is adamant and recalciterant let your lawyer approach criminal court and get non bailable warrants issued against MD,BM of the bank...............

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     18 October 2013

well advised by Mr Kumar Doab

muthukumar guruswamy (Asst. Manager)     27 November 2013

Immoral business by Standard Chartered Bank and their ARC Shaha finlease over ordinary citizen

I have obtained ONE credit card from SCB ON 2001 and make the payment promptly upto  2003 but latter due to my financial problems I was unable to repay the credit card due around 10000/- only. When I was refer my credit score in CIBIL the report revel the status as "Written-off (Principal) INR. 26160/-  But current balance over due was updated as INR. 625037/- by Shaha Finleas as of 20/08/2013 in my CIBIL report.. This entry was made in malafide  intention to get huge amount  in the name of interest from the credit card defaulter. Since from 2003 no intimation / letter/ credit card outstanding statement about my dues was not received.

When I was contacted to SCB customer service thru Email regarding to this issue they revels that the said Credit card due (NPA) was sold to recovery agent Shaha Finleas, Mumbai. then I was contact and raised my compliant to customer care of Shaha Finlease thru email and one response from (one madam) talking with me and give the way to exit my cibil problem by settling the total amount INR 650000/- as of to-day(26/11/2013). I asked her What is my principal outstanding? She was not replied any amount but she told me if you not settled such huge amount , we will serve demand legal notice from our legal person.

To-day 27/11/2013 I have received the demand legal notice from shaha finlease to demand 650000/- from their legal person. (The legal notice was attached for your ref. please )

Kindly advise me to make any legal proceeding against  their legal notice and what action to initiate to settle this type of institutional robbery from me, I once again request you peoples to help me to exit from  this type of financial forgery by the way of legal and organizational remedy to save my side.

Thanks lot

G muthukumar

Attachment: Legal demand notice

High Court, Mumbai

Office Address: 
Gala No. 5/B, Chaitanya Nagar, 
Opp. Dr. Singh Clinic, I.I.T. Market, 
Powai Mumbai- 400076

Reference No: SFL/CC/0070168070013210

Date: 26-11-2013






Sub: Your Credit Card(s)/Facilities bearing no: xxxxxxxxxxxx7012, xxxxxxxxxxxx7911 issued by Standard Chartered Bank


Dear Sir/Madam,


We are concern with our client M/s Shaha Finlease Pvt. Ltd. having its registered Office at Plot No. 17/9, MIDC Taloja, Tal Panvel, Dist, Raigad, Navi Mumbai - 410208, do hereby issue this notice, the contents you may kindly note:


• Our client states that you have approached M/s Standard Chartered Bank (hereinafter referred as “SCB”) with a request for availing above mentioned Credit Card facility(s). On your said representations and request, SCB has issued to you the above mentioned Credit Card Facility(s).


• You have also executed several documents in favour of SCB along with personal guarantee in favour of SCB for the due repayment of utilized credit limit under above stated Credit Card Facility(s).


• You have availed the said facility(s) to its fullest extent but with utter malafide intention neglected to repay the same on due dates.


• Our client states that SCB vide a Deed of Assignment dated 09.02.2010, inter alia, assigned, sold, transferred and released the entire debt payable by you under above mentioned Credit Card Facility(s) along with security interest and underlying-security therein in favour of our client.


• As per the terms of Deed of Assignment dated 09.02.2010 SCB has transferred/ assigned its debt recoverable from you under the above mentioned Credit Card Facility(s) in favour of our client. In view of assignment of debt and incidental rights thereto our client has become the owner of the debt recoverable from you.


• Our client further states that in lieu of said Deed of Assignment our client have sole right of collecting and enforcing the payment of Debt from you under above mentioned Credit Card facility(s).


• Our client states that in spite of repeated request and reminders by the officials of our client you have failed to pay the dues and/or regularize the account maintained by you. Our client states that there is an amount of Rs.682000.50p is due and payable by you under above mentioned Credit Card facility(s) to our client.


• Our client further informs you that your above accounts have also been assigned to our client’s external associates for liasoning with you for payment of dues.


In the circumstances, our client has instructed us to call upon you which we hereby do, to pay to our client, the above mentioned outstanding amount along with the interest @2.95% p.m. till realization of the amount within 7 days from receipt of this notice, failing which we have been peremptorily instructed to adopt appropriate legal action in the form of both civil and criminal proceedings which includes proceeding under the Negotiable Instruments Act, as well and under the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code, which is without prejudice to our client’s rights in the matter and for the costs and consequences thereof, you shall alone be liable, which please note with care and caution.


No further notice will be issued in this respect.


For any further clarification you are advised to contact our client at 022-65169758

Yours faithfully

 Rahul Ram Jamdhade

Advocate for Shaha Finlease Pvt. Ltd.


Kumar Doab (FIN)     29 November 2013

@ Muthukumar,

Approach your lawyer with copies of all record and legal notice.

Let your lawyer submit a fitting reply to the legal notice.


mikhail (manager)     20 December 2013

I have the same problem, my friends and family have been receiving these calls. My friends have been told to pay the , money to icici on my behalf and that to I have supposedly authorised this, which is not true. Please help me as I dont know what do it, I dont mind settling this concern but can only do it if I speak or get a call from icici instead of a collection agent.

mikhail (manager)     20 December 2013

I have the same problem, my friends and family have been receiving these calls. My friends have been told to pay the , money to icici on my behalf and that to I have supposedly authorised this, which is not true. Please help me as I dont know what do it, I dont mind settling this concern but can only do it if I speak or get a call from icici instead of a collection agent.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     21 December 2013



query is not your.


query is without facts


query is on other's thread and facts are likley to be mixed


open own thread wil full facts.

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