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vikas (et)     26 June 2014

Nasscom clarifications

Hi ,

I want to confirm few things regarding NASSCOM - 
1) Can a company blacklist you in NASSCOM in case if you are leaving the company without any notice or on short notice ? 
2) How can a employee know that he is registered in NASSCOM , I have not get myself registered but the company is saying that you are registered as you have signed on a document stating that "I agree to get registered in NASSCOM" , at the time of signing your offer letter.
3) If I leave an IT Company without any notice and join another IT company without showing any exp. of previous co., Can the second co. get my details of previous employment ??
4) Can I join another co. without giving resignation in the current co. as the new company is not aware about my current job ??
Please help me in these few issues ..

 3 Replies

vikas (et)     27 June 2014

Please help me out in this .. :(

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 June 2014



1.    Did you consult your Lawyer/Law firm/Labor Law Consultant/Elders in the family/competent and experienced well wishers before signing on the dotted line in offer letter/appointment letter or for that matter on any document?


  1. Are you member of the employee’s unions, trade unions?


If your answer to both is NO, then you are ill informed and susceptible to tactics, exploitation, harassment ……………………………… future too.

Another point is that it is almost sure that the HR/Line Managers in your company shall not provide any relief to you as that may amount to violation by them of Employer’s policy for them and they won’t put their job at stake for your sake.

Now you would need to make painstaking efforts to wriggle out of situation.


Although you have not explained but we have guessed your actual problem and have a good feel of it.

You had sent a PM also and it was suggested that you may initiate a new thread and thus you shall be benefitted by the advice from many of the experts/members/visitors.


>>> The issue that you have projected has been tormenting many of the younger generation employees and taken for a ride by a coterie of employer and their mean and dominating Line Managers/HR personnel.


The unsuspecting employee searches a Mentor/Coach/Role Model in them and never unites and reads what are his rights and how can he defend his rights.

You may go thru following and all threads mentioned in following threads and attachments……………………………and pick up points and also get in touch with IT/ITeS employee’s unions, Trade Unions, and most importantly a Competent and experienced Labor Consultant/Service Lawyer………………………………….


You may also go thru the attachment in this thread for your benefit and your questions shall be answered.




1.    NO. YOU will be fully clear after going thru the threads as mentioned above and attachment in this thread.

2.    You will find your profile created at the mentioned website of NASSCOM/NSR. Just by signing a statement like "I agree to get registered in NASSCOM"  as mentioned by you does not grant anyone any right to impersonate you/create a profile in your name for you………………………………This statement otherwise also means that you shall create profile………………………………….still it is your sweet WILL and you can deny later………………………..The question arises who has created the said profile (your profile)……………………….you have the right to ask and right to know…………………………  Did anyone inform you in writing that he/she want to create your profile and applied for your permission…………………..Did anyone inform you even after doing so………………..did anyone inform you the log in id/password…………………..has anyone logging in so far and posting in this profile……………………….????

3.    Yes.

4.    You should submit resignation under proper acknowledgment preferably addressed to appointing authority by redg. post.


Do not cause further damage to you by taking immature steps in haste.


Understand the merits from your lawyer and proceed under expert advice of your lawyer.

Attached File : 526553158 can nasschom blacklist an employee.doc downloaded: 162 times

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     28 June 2014

Thus, as advised by expert Mr. Kumar Doab, you may consult an en expert lawyer who is conversant on the subject and proceed as per his advise.

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