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Sameer Sharma (Advocate)     08 September 2010

Oh God, Why u have made this CommonWealth Games?

 Delhi bears the look of a mammoth construction site, as plucky migrant laborers scurry to build — and rebuild — roads and stadiums as they melt under the concrete- and asphalt-withering rains of the monsoon. But the worst news is yet to come.

Delhi's big dig has left stagnant water all over the city, breeding a huge swarm of aedes mosquitoes just in time for dengue fever season.

Malaysia and Australia have issued travel advisories and expressed concerns about their athletes.

Nevertheless, alarm there is. And that's bad news for the games' planners, who oversold the event's ability to attract tourists — claiming they'd recoup most of the costs from travelers — before spending spiraled to $4.6 billion, or nine times the original estimate. So far, England's Queen Elizabeth and a host of top athletes have said they have prior commitments, and just 16,000 of the 170,000 tickets allotted for sale abroad have found takers. Mounting fears about dengue won't make selling the rest any easier.

The trial run of a traffic plan reserving road lanes for vehicles that will ferry Commonwealth Games athletes and officials was conducted Sunday by the Delhi traffic police in south Delhi’s Lodhi Colony area.

In the coming weeks, trials will be held on roads near the airport, the Games village, the Thyagaraj Stadium and other Games venues.

‘Initially, the trials will be carried out on weekends and later during weekdays. This arrangement will help commuters understand the special traffic movement during the Games,’ Garg added.

Meanwhile, many commuters feel that the traffic congestion during the Games may get worse, particularly on two-laned roads as these are already carrying more traffic than their capacity.

 Speaking about the traffic arrangements during the Games, Garg said: ‘We are planning out ways so that no traffic congestion will happen during the Games.’

‘Traffic police will hold talks with the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) officials and we will jointly come out with a plan to ease traffic during the event,’ he said.

Planning Planning Planning no solutions.

Best of luck to all delhites from 20 Sept to 15 Oct.

May God Be With u.


 6 Replies


Our 470000000 poor Indian brothers, sisters, old aged helpless and children are forced by the corrupt peoples who are in governance and administration.  On CWG 900000000000 rupees are being wasted for entertainment under the pretext of prestige of the nation and 470000000 Indian citizens are struggling every moment for a bread to save their lives without shelter.  Just see the simple figure 900000000000 / 470000000 = 19148.94 rupees @ each BPL citizen is going for CWG for 25 days expenses on CWG.  Why these 470000000 people should not burn this government and bureaucrats who are celebrating on the hungriness of 37% poeple of this nation?????


Please also see the following link;

Democratic Indian (n/a)     09 September 2010

I support your view. Commonwealth Games is being done for filling the pockets of corrupt. Why will corrupt bother to even think about poor and suffering in this country? Unless they have any fear of poor?

Please use your mind and think why RKBA is clearly guaranteed to American people and Indian leaders were also promised the same to us before independence but cleverly bypassed it after they became the rulers. Are you able to see the game and the results of the game before us?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. Slaves we are to this fearless system. The system is fearless as we pose no threat to the system. The system can carry on the corruption shamelessly as sufferring people cannot punish them.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-by to the Bill of Rights." - H.L. Mencken

Sameer Sharma (Advocate)     09 September 2010

@ Democractic Indian

Well said.

Sameer Sharma (Advocate)     09 September 2010

@ Ram Samudre

My next topic is abt corruption in these games, and u have written it, and really well written. U want believe Ram Ji that these have no shame, at last now everything is open in front of international media. All these offenders have to severely punish.


Dear Sameer, I like to introduce you with this dynamic & blasting "Democratic Indian" that he is one of the piller of DRF.  His each & every word is a revolution.  You can understand him as a back bone for all of us for our democratic rights.

Sameer Sharma (Advocate)     09 September 2010

@ Ram Ji

Actually I m really eager to know abt him, his words remind me my college days, when we talked in a real patriotic sense. Keep on with these kind of work both practically and theoritically, it will benefits our nation directly.


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