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Ramki (Engineer)     23 June 2011

Ration card lost. What to do?


I've lost the Ration card which was in my mom's name with our family members listed in it. My dad, mom, me and my younger brother. How can i get the ration card done again. And also, the ratio card had expired. I live in Rajajinagar area of Bangalore.



 3 Replies

Arvina biju (Service)     23 June 2011

file a police complain regarding loss of ration card and take a copy of the complaint along with the photocopy of the lost ration card to the the ration office. reconfirm the status of the ration card whether active or not.

Incase not active file an application for renewal of ration card.

Amit Parmar (Junior Lawyer)     23 June 2011

Mr. Ramki

                  The only thing you have to do is to go to the DSO ( District Supply Offfice) office on the concerned Zone  where you have to give an application regarding the lost of ration card with the detail of the Consumer shop and your Ration Card Customer Number. This application can be done by the head of the Family member and you have to do an affidavit along with this application . And if Zerox copy of the lost ration card.

                     You will be charged the precribe fee of Rs 10 to 20 for your new ration card and they will issue new ration card ....

Path Thomas   25 June 2018

In any case, you lost your Ration card then you have to know that you can get Duplicate Ration card. You can get another Ration card either through online or offline procedures.

Just follow the below steps which explain the procedure of getting a Ration card online or offline. The only difference is that you have to visit the website if you are applying online or you have to visit the Public Distribution System (PDS) office near you.

  • Visit the Official website or the PDS Office.
  • Take the application form regarding the Lost Ration Card.
  • Fill up the details in the form with the appropriate information.

The details you entered in the form should be correct and as per in your Proof Documents otherwise, your application might get rejected. 

  • The details should be entered in their respective columns.
  • You should also mention the cause of applying for a Duplicate Ration card.
  • Attach the proof documents to the Application form.
  • Submit the application form to the officials or on the website.

Make sure you attached the photocopies of the Proof Documents so that your application won't get rejected. After you submit the application form it is verified from every detail to all the documents you have attached to the application form. After a verification procedure conducted to your application form, they will approve your cause and provide you with the new or Duplicate Ration card based on your interests.

The cause should be reasonable like "Lost your Raion card" and some others. Your new Ration card will be delivered to you to the address you mentioned on the application form. It can take from 2-3 weeks of working days to get a new or Duplicate Ration card.

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