I request everyones help in this complex matter.
Let me explain the scenario. in simple terms.
the Person - X have four children - A,B , C and D
the person X have a will , which says prperty is equally shared with their children.
'A' died before person 'X' died . , and Will is not rewritten , it was the same - equal shares to all children.
After the death of 'X' can legal heirs of 'A' (their children) will get any share of the property? or only B, C , and D share it equally, without giving any share to 'A' 's heirs
I have one more question , again a complex situation .
the Person - X have four children - A,B , C and D
the person X have a will , which says his fixed deposits (FD) belongs to person D,
After the will date, few years later , person X made a new FD and its nominee was person 'A' , in the bank. so in the bank its person 'A' and in the will its person D , but the FD is new after the will is created.
person 'A' died Before person 'X'
My questions are,
if person 'A' is alive , can he claim the FD,
as the person 'A' is died , can his legal heirs can claim the FD,
or even though bank nominee is person 'A' , after the death of 'X' due to the effect of will , FD belongs to person 'D'. even though that FD is created after the will creation date.