Radha Krishna (House wife) 20 December 2014
ROHIT SHARMA (Legal Advisor ) 20 December 2014
1. This is a private complaint made by the person who claims the things that were removed from such plot were of his belonging.
2. You can appear personally or have an advocate represent you.
3. The trial will proceed and your advocate can have such charges imputed against you discharged on merits of your having purchased an open plot without any structure or things lying there.
4. If need for further private consultation get my contact details by clicking my name shown in the L.H.S. margin of this reply format.
Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate ) 20 December 2014
Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (rockysmith4calcutta@gmail.com)) 20 December 2014
File a strong WS first.
Please file Perjury in the same court if you have solid evidence to prove the case false.