A decree or order may be executed either by the Family Court which passed it or by the other Family Court or ordinary Civil Court to which it is sent for execution".
The above lines are from one of the citation i got online . Regarding the custody case.
Why this is such a big issue ? if a family court can order then it should order, Its so confusing to say either the family court which gave order or where it has been sent for orders ?
my execution orders are in karnataka and children are in mumbai
Can i file crp 227 in high court for execution orders ?
The term where child ordinarily resides in many citations have clearly mentioned it as the place where the child was born raised lived and went to school , Just because the parent shifted for their own reason will not make any other place as the ordinarily residing place of the child.
in my case for the execution petition , The judge sent multiple summons and after which paper publication and finally judge agreed saying posted for orders , in the last hearing judge is saying , she cannot give orders considering jurisdiction ? So the judge never opened the petition so far and read only after saying posted for orders the judge read the petition ? What is the best solution for this again i do not want to waste one year for the execution petition in mumbai court ?
In this view it is very clear that the child ordinary residence is karnataka and not mumbai then why do i have to file execution in mumbai ?​
Any help or suggestions appreciated