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Raman ( )     17 June 2009

A Legal Aspirant - seeking help

Hello All,

I am Raman from the USA, a B.Sc graduate from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. While I was in my LL.B third year (Pendekanti Law College, Himayatnagar, Year 1997), I had to accept a job in a Software field from Canada, thereafter got my Canada citizenship. Since then, I have been into IT industry, working as a Database Administrator and currently am with DOT (Department of Transportation, Nashville, TN - USA), assisting my team on INTERGRAPH & ESRI applications which use Spatial technologies.

Please read the remaining in the attached file ….



 6 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     17 June 2009

Dear Raman,

i respect ur love for ur country and legal profession in India.

u mentioned that u r married and having two kids and well settled in USA.  moreover there is a gap of more than 12 years in ur studies.

its my brotherly advice to u dont come back to India, it will be foolish to start practice as a lawyer at this stage and that too in India.

its true that its not a matter of concern whether someone is from Natonal law School or from some other regular law college, when i comes to work the one who works hard certainly excells.

if u ve got citizenship there in US then why dont to study law there. Indian courts and administrative offices have become hub of corruption and i dont think u would like to work in that kind of atmosphere.

one more plan is for u, u complete ur legal education, get a license then u may work as a legal adivsor for Indian compatirots there in USA, in the process u can attach with some Indian law Firm....but u need not to spoil ur career and future of ur children by coming to India.

gone are the days of Mahatma Gandhi.

one day the Legal Sector in India will be opened for the foreign law firms also, so my advice is if u love legal profession then complete ur law and keep ur knowledge updated and act as suggested above without leaving US.

this website and we all the members are here for ur help and support.


Kiran Kr. Madan, Advocate


1 Like

SHEKHAR MISHRA (public servant)     17 June 2009

come   and    start    ur    practice   as   early   as   possible.

Guest (Guest)     17 June 2009

Rightly advised by Mr. Kiran.  The slow process of justice delivery hampers the prosperity of legal profession besides Highly corrupt judicial system (To get even a single piece of information you will have to bribe the court clerks).   Further, the Caste/religion/region factors affects the growth of the professionals.  

Manasi Save (Legal Practioner)     17 June 2009

Yes Even I do agree with Adv Kiran Kumar's advice, but certainly one thing to think when we are so dissatisfied the way things are working in our system why as Indian lawyers  we just are sitting and accepting the tamasha. R we so helpless in ur own country. I think the day is not to away when common man will stop coming to us in the hope that we will give him/her some respite.

Raman ( )     18 June 2009

Hi Kiran,

Thanks for the response. I am still contemplating on what you said, but still could not digest the thought of re-shuffling my plans of action. I also read an article, please see below:

This could be the reason why you suggested me not to come to India !

If I understood you correctly about the legal education/license that you are suggesting me about, then I'd say studying Law in the USA is very expensive and time/energy consuming game, that too after quitting my job. Imagine !

Somebody also mentioned that if I complete "CS" then I don't need any LL.B degree to put up law practice in India. I have no idea how far is it true ! Man, I am in such an apparent horizon ...

So far, I have been thinking of starting my M.B.L course from the USA and see how would I pursue it. Accordingly, I would come up with more constructive thoughts ... may be M.B.L + CS would be a good combination for me !! I don't know.

Thank you again, and please keep me posted any new thoughts or ideas etc ...

sumit (Wine Educator )     22 August 2010

hello sir


My name is sumit and i am looking for a career in law. It would be of great help if u could squeeze some time in telling me some of the worth doing institutes/colleges to look far. I'll be taking admission next year.


Thanks n Regards

Sumit Bhanwala


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