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Tejal (house wife)     29 December 2011

A person has left the region after taking money

I have given 7 lacs rupees to my father's friend's friend who was the honour of the garment shop. My father's friend had taken the responsibility for the money & give us the cheques of his friends as a guarantee.

But from last 4 months the friend of my father's friend had ran away from the region as he was not from my father's friend who has taken the responsebility is not receiving our calls.

1.What should we do? shold we file a 138 after getting a dishonour of cheque?

2.I have 7 cheques of Rs. 1 lac . So should i get return all of them or only one can enough to prove my money was 7 Lacs.?

3.can we file any case against my father's friend like froud or anything else?

4.The money was savings of my mummy , Me & my sis. So we dont have a IT returns on our name.So can i file a case of 138 by showing this much ammount of 7 lacs.

5. Is it crime to give money to some one on the interest of 2 percent  without any license.?We could not take an interest for a month also as he left the city after 2 days of borrowing money.

6can police get to know where that person went as we know the date when he left the city?


 2 Replies

Yam Raj @ PBI (Social Reformer -     29 December 2011

Tejal, You may refer similar post was published in this forum as ''Can defamation be filed in my case?''


Many experst have viewed on the same issue.




Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     30 December 2011

Each cheque bouncing would give rise to a seperate 138 case.


Shonee Kapoor

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