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Aadhar or anadhar?

I watched with horror in one of programme in TV today how easily one can make more than one UID card from the UID enrolment centres . Leaving the political bias against Congress by that TV channel( or may be a paid news by BJP etc) it is if true is a case of concern for Nilekani and his team of experts. How one can get a second card when his eyes, fingers already scanned and stored in the central computer at Bengaluru. Is it all a waste? Mr Nilekani must answer.

 12 Replies

H.M.Patnaik (Proprietor)     25 January 2012

The UID enrolement centers only generates an acknowledgement  of having received the information in prescribed proforma as well biometric data for final generation of Adhar card at CPC, Bangaluru after due verification. So, due the processing at CPC the duplicates are automatically rejected through inbuilt checking system .  Hence , one need not worry much for such stories. Only thing is if you are entering wrong data at primary level, your card is bound to contain such data when it is issued. We have seen at enrolement center they are using different software to record details in vernacular language ,and in such cases spelling mistakest  creeps in the Adhar card. The authorities have now rectified the system software  to be used by Service providers for this purpose.  


Enrolment centres are internetted with main server. Even if anme is mis-spelt or name of parent is changed with a different address the main server should have rejected the registration once his/her eyes, fingers were scanned as it has already stored the data from wherever it was done earlier.

If it not happening then I suggest Sri Nandan Nilkani to go back to Infosys and get the softwares cross-checked. We can not waste such a colossal amount of money for nothing.


Anxiously waiting to hear from Shri Nandan Nilkani ?

Democratic Indian (n/a)     26 January 2012

I really find surprising why some people(probably out of ignorance) are blindly and madly flocking to Aaadhar and similar schemes to get their privacy, freedom and liberty voluntarily violated in long run?


It is not necessary for us to hear and go by what Nand Nilkani says. Let us use our mind and sense of freedom, liberty and privacy to stay away from this aadhar and notorious national population register and NATGRID scams. These kind of schemes like "national population register" were created by Nazi Germany of Hitler to target specific people so that they can be "controlled",  tracked, tortured and killed.  Take your time to read understand how dangerous these schemes can be in long run and understand by reading these:



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Can we get Sri Nandan Nilekani to expand our horizon? After all he is now a public servant and on our pay roll.

SUBRAMANIAN C R (ADVOCATE)     10 March 2013

This is real invasion of privacy. See the Data Sharing policy and Open Government platform. Under the relevant provisions of Aadhar and UID, the date can be shared under orders of competent court. But competent court is not defined. An officer of the rank of Joint Secretary can decide whether to divulge or not. Thus collecting biometric data and sharing without consent of party is illegal. Moreover most of the companies doing the work have overseas limbs and they will be forced to divulge data. Government saying that Aadhar is not compulsory but making it applicable to various schemes is illegal. WP(C) 494 of 2012 is pending in Hon'ble Apex Court. Till its disposal, such proceedings by Governments are not in good spirit. Why should an Indian Citizen give biometric data to Government when it can be shared by the Government without his consent.. When I sent an email to Open Government Platform seeking clarification regarding sharing of biometric data collected by state, I got an evasive reply. Subramanian


I wonder how the people in the developed countries manage their social security cards which I believe stores all the necessary data rifht from the birth till one is eliminated by the state, killed in action or by an act of God. I am informed those are dynamic cards and can be updated on a regular they do it and why our Nilekanies can't do it . How we need to duplicate data with NPRs..

H.M.Patnaik (Proprietor)     16 April 2013

If the question is about data security  in reltion to adhar card, it is only the Central Govt.  who is competent to answer, so also to ensure its confidentiality.


77% of the population barely exists with Rs 20 a day per person....what kind of data security they need for themselves?

Another 13 % of the population have no data to secure. It is the remaining 10 percent population for whom we are worried about . They have too many data to secure. The Top 5% don't bother as they have the central agaencies , Neera Radias on their pay roll. It is then the remaining 5 % who are unnecessarily worried.

Its time myth is busted. There is no need to secure data ..It is high time we make all data avaiable to one and all ..


My daughter was studying in one of the colleges in West Bengal. Completed her study and came back to our present permanent add ( Secunderabad). We had our AaDHAR Card. She needed one. She took one day casual leave to approach one of the enrolment centre at GHMC Malkajgiri, RR dist, AP in Dec 2012. She was given a date in Feb 2013  for enrolment. On the appointed day again she took a casul leave and went to that Enrolment Centre. It was closed as there were some fraud. People there asked her to go to another enrolment centre nearby.She was again given a date two months later. I was informed. I asked her stay back there. Got the Aadhar bosses at Delhi as well at Hyderabad. Explain the situation..told them that my daughter who is a doctor by profession is about loose two days of casual leave just for inefficiency of the system in place. I was asked to tell my daughter to hang on..A couple of minutes late my daughter told me she is taken in for enrolment and is about to finish. She came back but without any receipt as was told due to some fault in the computer receipts are not being generated but will get the thing online..and the Aadhar Card in time..after almost three months she needed to know the status..she found none in the website..she called the supervisor at the enrolment centre who is asking her to come and enrol again..

Is Nandan Nilekani listening? She can get all the details as I have made calls to Delhi as as at Hyderabad..she was spoken to by someone from Hyderabad as well..Enrolment centre supervisor also had been contacted on the same day..Her name is Archana Mandal..

I am requesting the Aadhar Administrative personnel to investigate this may the way how the touts are playing havoc.


My daughter who had to waste two days to enrol her for Aadhar Card in GHMC Malkajgiri way back in Feb 2013 is yet to get her Aadhar there any vigilance authority to check such clandestine activities in the name of Aadhar?


Adhar card for my daughter seems to me is lost ..may be the Adhar Agent at Malkajgiri did not like her father to complaint against them and compelled them to admit her . May be they did all those drama at the enrolment centre eg filling her personal info, scanning eyes, taking impression of fingers etc but did not upload at all..The software therefore is itself faulty as that drama wouldn't been possible if data were not being recorded and not-removeable.

 That's the problem with our soft soft guys..they are very good copy cats..they do things exceedingly when a part of the work is outsourced to them..but they are are genuine inventions..Nanadan Nilekarni must step down..he must go for a refresher course ..learn the basics..We can not afford to maintain such white the way who are the govt pleaders for Adhar Card deptt? Is anyone a hon-ble member of this forum?

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