Naveen Kumar 20 June 2020
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 21 June 2020
When your father has already stated to have purchased the land was it not registered ?
Is there any restriction in sale/ purchase of land from aadivasi in Jharkhand ?
What is your query ?
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 21 June 2020
It depends on the local area and demarcated zone and restrictions. In those specified areas decided by state government transactions between advicasi are only permitted but not between Adivasi and others. In the case of a registered document, in some states there is such relaxation after 30 years. If an adivasi purchases, there may not be a problem. You have to search in google or find out by writing to the District Collector under RTI as follows:
Please provide a copy of the Government order/Notifications in force if any restricting transfer of properties in......................Village between Adviasi to outside castes.
P. Venu (Advocate) 21 June 2020
Such notitifed areas could be verified from the information available on the net.