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Santosh T   06 August 2019

About an Advocate

Dear All

if a husband sent a legal notice by an advocate to comr back n join making false elegation that she went on his own.her parents are influencing her...he wants me to join me on the other end his family doesnot want to take me back n he too...ask me thathe doesnot want to continue this reltionship
bt when being a wife i had conversation with that advocate...he gave me positive response that he will have conversation with his client as this case was taken by his junior
after 15 days of regular talk...he asked me to give ur answer in written from my advocate as my husband is not interested to talk
1.whether his advocate can help me in reconcilation as he says he always try patch up..he is a senior lawyer
2. whether my husband is preparing ground for divorce

3. what actions i can takes i m not financial sound

we had some misunderstanding...n it lead to separation...from last 7 months
we got married 15 months back
we had family meeting..all settled bt he didinot come to take me back..we wanted to settle issues at family level
we never thought of going to waited for such long time n didnt go for any legal action
bt he has male ego n attitude

please help.
if my any wordings hurt u..apologize in advance


 6 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     06 August 2019

Ms. Santosh,

When your husband is ready to reconcile (let it be through his advocate, himself at his own or under the influence/counselling of any one else) and desirous of maintaining his relation with you, it is call upon you to forgive and forget minor issues, rejoin his company and enjoy married life .

Best wishes.   

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Ankit Gupta   06 August 2019

firstly, their is no provision for sending a notice in hindu law/Muslim law. so the notice sent by the lawyer of your husband is illegal and with no meaning.
if you are hindu then please file immediately a suit under section 9 hindu marriage Act for restitution of conjugal rights in the concerned family court
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Ankit Gupta   06 August 2019

please contact me on 9506843427

P. Venu (Advocate)     06 August 2019

Pleae post simple facts , devoid of your subjective opinions.

Santosh T   06 August 2019

Dr J C Vashista....
sir he is not allowing me enter his well as his parents n familymembers
what should i do...earlier also i didn't take any legal actions against him
..about his n family behaviour towards me

Samarpan (M)99958670740 (Free legal advice and legal aid cell)     10 August 2019


In most states, there is a procedure, which is called "pre-litigation counselling".  There you can file application and a very experienced lady counsellor will mediate between both of you and save the marriage, by removing difficulties.  Otherwise, as you are not financially sound, you can approach your district court and there from District Legal Services Authority, you can get a Legal Aid Counsel and through her file a Restitution of conjugal rights case under Section 9 seeking resumption of matrimonial relations.  In that case, the court send both husband and wife before a counsellor to settle the matter amicably.  But, how much senior he may be, do not rely on your husband's counsel, because, he is his advocate and not yours.

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