Naga durga 15 August 2019
THRINADH PRADYUMNA (Engineering) 15 August 2019
You can even file Sec 9 of the Hindu Marriage act for Restitution of Conjugal rights as a counter to his divorce petition but it is time consuming, hence for a quicker action try for a mediation thru the elders from both the sides or file for a petition with the Legal Services Authority for a mediation.
Naga durga 15 August 2019
Kishor Mehta (CEO) 16 August 2019
Kishor Mehta (CEO) 16 August 2019
P. Venu (Advocate) 16 August 2019
You have not posted the material facts.
THRINADH PRADYUMNA (Engineering) 18 August 2019
Did you file 498 A, Domestic Violence act cases on your husband ?"?