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anu radhalll (lawyer)     15 September 2017

about fir

hello lawyers
1)my father sold a land in 2009 to B person.
2)B person not given a full money till now(10%money balance).
3)my father didn't do registration till now to B person
4)but B person with help of vro ( village revenue officer) written his name in phani record without registration.
5) in this year we see phani record.B person name is there . without registration.
6) my father asked to mro and vro and submitted complaint on vro and B person.
7)my father removed a wall and remove fencing ( sold land)
8)police booked fir on my father and also my name .
9) we submitted all documents fake documents to police .but police not care on our side.B person a polictain man
10) after fir given a complaint to collector and put a application in RTI and mro .
11) mro given a memo ( land records checked and form 7 checked there is no evidence written in phani record)
12) collector also given same thing memo no evidence
my Question----

13)now wat we want to do?
14) we having fir on property damage case.
they do a fake registration.

 3 Replies

moxit (advocate)     15 September 2017

Firstly take Bail in FIR matter.. Then u give your complaint to Police.. If they dont write your FIR, give complain to Superintendent of police if still not done, file application before magistrate under 156 (3) crpc Keep your possession of said land.. Without registered sale deed.. It will create problem for politicians
1 Like

anu radhalll (lawyer)     15 September 2017

We taken a station bail also. And we have all years phanis and collector given a memo also and RTI given a memo and MRO given memo also We have three memo s In that memo --no evidence .vro written a name

anu radhalll (lawyer)     15 September 2017

We taken a station bail also. And we have all years phanis and collector given a memo also and RTI given a memo and MRO given memo also We have three memo s In that memo --no evidence .vro written a name

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