My friend is an accused prolonged absconder (7 months) under section IPC 409/467/470/420/120B/34 & added 13 (1) D of PC act. The main accused enlarged with bail for I.O fail to submit charge-sheet within 180 days of his surrender/ behind bars. My friend is a co accused and police failed to submit charge-sheet till now. The I.O submit a part of charge-sheet but the trial court reject the same with direction to submit complete charge-sheet within 2 months. The time exed. Proclamation & warrent is issued. 3 others co accused are enlarged on bail due to illness/treatment/fathers treatment etc. The case is based on internal audit reports observation, the department never show cause against him before lodge of FIR. The complain against him is misappropriation of 15 lakhs govt money, while he has lots of evidence in difence of himself. As a contract employee, he is bound to obey the higher officials, employer, violet guidelines and divert fund.
My friend is honest, He is almost solvent, he did not misappropriate the fund but utilized the fund for which it was not meant for under the compultion of higher authority. The main accused is higher official & highly influential (politically & Adminstrative), so he doubts of his scaping evidence & witness and divert the investigation against him. In this regard, he didnot confirm about his evidence are appropriate or not. Now, what is the probability to get regular bail after arrest/surrender. NBW is issued against him. if any suggession/judgement/copy/advice please give url/copy.
Please help my friend. Please help him to get justice, Please.