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Abuse of chief vigilance officer

Page no : 4

revribhav (Hindi)     21 March 2015


Press Release New Delhi, 18.03.2015


The Special Judge, CBI Cases, Jaipur (Rajasthan) has today convicted Shri Vishowajeet Arora, then Development Officer of New India Assurance Company,Jaipur and Shri K.Chandarsakher, then Managing Director & Shri N.K. Modi, then Executive Officer, both of M/s Rishab Special Abu Road and sentenced them to undergo three years Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs.5000/-. CBI had registered a case against Shri Vishowajeet Arora, Development Officer, New India Assurance Company Ltd., Tonk Road, Jaipur; Shri K.Chandarsakher, Managing Director & Shri N.K.Modi, Executive Officer, both of M/s Rishab Special Abu Road on the allegation that Shri Vishowajeet Arora while working as Development Officer, New India Assurance Company Ltd., Tonk Road, Jaipur during the year 1993-94 entered into criminal conspiracy with Shri K.Chandarsakher, Managing Director & Shri N.K.Modi, Executive Officer, both of M/s Rishab Special Yard, Abu Road and cheated the New India Assurance Company Ltd. to the tune of Rs.14, 967/- (approx) and Rs.1485/-(approx). After completion of the investigation, chargesheet was filed in the court of Special Judge, CBI Cases, Jaipur on 28.11.1996 against Shri Vishowajeet Arora, then Development Officer; Shri K.Chandarsakher, then Managing Director and Shri N.K.Modi, then Executive Officer, both of M/s Rishab Special, Abu Road on the allegation that accused Vishowajeet Arora issued a cover note on 27.07.93 for insurance of a car of Shri K.Chandrasakher for a period from 28.07.93 to 27.07.94. The said car had met with an accident on 26.07.93 at Abu Road. It was found that no accident took place and thus caused loss to the Insurance Company. However, the said car was not insured on that date. The Trial Court framed the charges against the accused persons U/s 120-B, 420, 468, 471, 477-A IP/c & 13(2)(d) of PC Act, 1988 and found the accused guilty.


An honest citizen of India observes:-


The person allegedly involved in the corrupt practice became a union leader of a powerful association in the insurance company.


Due to clout of association his suspension was revoked and it is presumed that as on the date of judgment he was serving the NIACL,a Public Sector General insurance Company .


A. R. Sekar the then chairman of the insurance company was actually seen in the attached photo with a well known bribe taker(26019) association leader of the insurance company at Jaipur as on 20.7.2012


revribhav (Hindi)     21 March 2015

Somehow I am unable to upload the  photo indicating clout of the corrupt in the PSU insurance company up to the highest level.

Those who wish  may send e-mail to





revribhav (Hindi)     21 September 2015

As per RTI reply reference No. CVC/RTI/15/863/294201 dated 10.09.2015 of Central Vigilance Commission:- ... The whistle blowers Protection Act has not come into force as on date and as such the question of granting protection to the Whistle Blowers under the said act does not arise.


Your post, "as per RTI reply reference No. CVC/RTI/15/863/294201 dated 10.09.2015 of Central Vigilance Commission:- ... The whistle blowers Protection Act has not come into force as on date and as such the question of granting protection to the Whistle Blowers under the said act does not arise.," is quite surprising.


If the CVC supplies the wrong information, who else can be expected to provide right information.


Contrarily, the Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011 was approved by the Cabinet of India, passed by the Lok Sabha on 27 December 2011, passed by Rajya Sabha on 21 February 2014 and received the President's assent on 9 May 2014. The Act was notified on 12 May, 2014 through the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section-I, No. 19.


So, on what basis, the CVC has said that the whistle blowers Protection Act has not come into force as on date (10.09.2015)


Better make an appeal against the wrong information supplied by the CVC, at first to the Appellate Authority of the CVC and thereafter to the CIC..


If they still repeat the same information, you may ask the Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law & Justice under RTI, as to when the Act has to be made effective and when Rules thereunder can be expected to be framed.



1 Like

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 September 2015

The comments of Shri P.S.Dhingra are: that were much needed and valuable.

Acvt on advice of Shri P.S.Dhingra.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 September 2015

Originally posted by : revribhav
As per RTI reply reference No. CVC/RTI/15/863/294201 dated 10.09.2015 of Central Vigilance Commission:-
The whistle blowers Protection Act has not come into force as on date and as such the question of granting protection to the Whistle Blowers under the said act does not arise.

why do'nt you describe what is the injustice caused to you.

revribhav (Hindi)     24 September 2015

I understand the world's largest democracy has inherent problem with the institutions. On ...April 2008 the Central Vigilance Commission directed a particular insurance company's Chief Vigilance Officer to ensure no harassment is caused to the complainant in any manner. The CVO issued a false statement in public life with no copy to the complainant ... this thread relates to abuse of chief vigilance officer for the benefit of a dis- honest ,non accountable non transparent coteries of bureaucracy,the psychopaths take extreme pleasures when they bully an innocent,law abiding citizen of India. Since 2008 there is gradual decline not only in the ethics of the institution created for ensuring probity in public life. It appears we have self serving institutions where the object for which the particular institution was created is blissfully forgotten...

revribhav (Hindi)     07 November 2016

Double standards in public life:- It is harsh reality that access to information is perogative of the extremely rich and powerful persons. The attached petition dated 24/10/2016 is filed before the President of india by way of e-filing in the portal... Registration number PRSEC/E/2016/14044

Attached File : 20161107113823 878349901 set 241016 president citizen petition.pdf downloaded: 174 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     14 November 2016

why do'nt you describe what is the injustice caused to you.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 November 2016

You have posted details in many threads.


It shall be easy to relate if link to tose threads is posted. 

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