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Rahul   23 June 2016

Accident by two wheeler

Hi 4 yrs back I sold my bike to a person and due to some issues,miscommunication and also my negligencie unable to make a sales deed . Now I got a letter that I have to present in front of court due to the accident of my vehicle. Meanwhile getting this letter a person from another city contact me that he accidented my vechile 5 months later and a case is filled for him under sec 279,337 and he want a help from me to get back the bike. He send me the case diary. In that it was written that at night two females mom and daughter are crossing the road and suddenly a two wheel vechile came and accident them then just behind them is the vechile which is in my name also accident them in these incident it is mention that the first vechile hit the lady in which she died and the second vechile hit her daughter in which her one leg become incompetence Now how can I get out from these plz help Can I now do a sales deed with that person whom I sell my bike 4 yrs back by mentioning that 4 yrs back I sold these bike to him Is this possible

 1 Replies

nikhil singh (Advocate)     24 June 2016

Its gross negligence, first u need to present before the court and collect the documents. Without seeing the document its really impractical to advise anything. 

Nikhil Singh


Supreme Court of India

(M) 9352444446, 7838078186

Off:A-63, Defence Colony, New-Delhi 

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