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S S K Sadhu (BCA)     10 May 2011

Action against a lawyer

I have opted one lawyer at HC hyderabad for one MC which was pending since 2009. Soon after the payment of the agreed amount the said lawyer denied to do what he promised to do. Now he is saying that he would send all the documents back to me but there is no clarity about the amount I paid. All the money I gave was financed by a friend for which i was paying interests till date.


My question is "Is there any section or law or something i can do to get money back".  

 15 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 May 2011

any document / money receipt from the advocate?

S S K Sadhu (BCA)     10 May 2011

I did credit the money into her account from my town

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     11 May 2011

Dear Friend: If the money was transferred to her account and you have the records then kindly approach District Bar Association of your town or from where you hired that lady as your advocate.They may help you out but only if she is honest.

Have a good luck.


Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     11 May 2011

Sorry to mention the advocate in feminine gender.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     11 May 2011

that is sufficient.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     11 May 2011

start complaing to bar association and wait for fewdays, thereafter come to court.



I think the new laws  Legal Practitioners Act, 2010  may help you  but currently i dont know it is finally passed by parliament or not but it  may be useful.

look to the  22 section


22.  Procedure  Before  the  Ombudsman.  –  (1)  On  receipt  of  a 

complaint relating to a legal professional, the Ombudsman shall issue 

notice to the legal professional concerned and also to the complainant 

and shall fix a date for inquiry into the complaint.  

(2)     The Ombudsman shall examine the documents and the witnesses, 

if any, on both sides and shall prepare his findings after hearing both 


(3)     The   report   of   the   Ombudsman   shall   be   forwarded   to   the 

Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of the State with a copy to 

the Board.  

(4)     The  report  of  the  Ombudsman  shall  contain  his  own  findings 

about the allegations against the Legal  Professional and the proposals 

for taking necessary action.  

(5)     The report of the Ombudsman shall be published in the manner 

prescribed by the Rules.  


And here is the act in PDF format

Attached File : 37 37 legal practitioners bill.pdf downloaded: 253 times
1 Like

Ambika (NA)     12 May 2011

Kushan ji,  when a bill is passed by the legislative body then only it becomes an Act .

Thank you for this important information and posting the bare Act. 

Ambika (NA)     12 May 2011

@Kushan ji

Oh Sorry, it is still a bill. I confused your first mention of Act and thought the attached file is that of the Bare Act. 

Sorry Indeed for not taking care to read properly. 

You have mentioned, Legal Practitioners' Act 2010? 

S S K Sadhu (BCA)     13 May 2011






Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     13 May 2011

Mr. Sadhu, thanks to you that your sicere efforts bore fruits and cogratulation on this achievement.


S S K Sadhu (BCA)     13 May 2011

dhusai ji

whats ur point saying bore fruits

please explain

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     13 May 2011

I mean you succeeded in your efforts and resolved your problems amicably.


Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     10 June 2011

Mr. Sadhu

Was not Mr. Dhusia correct in saying that your efforts bore fruit?

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