Chintu kumar 18 April 2019
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 18 April 2019
Dear queriest, after joining into service you shall submit a representation to your employer while enclosing with copy of certificate issued by the University concerned. Your employer shall enter such entry in your service book. consult your seniors in the office.
Chintu kumar 18 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
Chintu kumar 19 April 2019
P. Venu (Advocate) 23 April 2019
You may make a representation explaining the circumstances and submit a representation. If the issue is not solved, you have the option of seeking judicial rwview through CAT.