Sir, As the deffendent is no more who is responsible to add successors in a civil case related to an Advance agreement? The Plantiff through his advocate or the defendent's Advocate?
KURIAKOSE P G 28 July 2015
Sir, As the deffendent is no more who is responsible to add successors in a civil case related to an Advance agreement? The Plantiff through his advocate or the defendent's Advocate?
rajagopal.s (Lawyer.) 29 July 2015
As a party to the case, you can ask the court to implead the deceased's heir's as party to the case. Please ask your advocate to file the death certificate of the person and also ask him to file a petition for impleading the legal heir's.
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 31 July 2015
Vague query with incomplete information, seek help from your/another lawyer.