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vinodray parmar (professor)     09 October 2016

Additional pension

Kindly clarify the following doubt:
Additional pension of 20% will be given (a) after completion of 79 years and attaining 80 years or (b) after completion of 80 years and attaining age of 81 years?
My father-in-law's birth date is 13/09/1937.
Kindly clarify and oblige.

 8 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     10 October 2016

80 year

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     10 October 2016

Dear Client,

                After completing the age of 80 years you would be given addtionl pension of 20% and after that every 5 years your pension qwould be increased by 10%.See the below given table. a s per 6th pay commission recommendaritions.If  you appreciate this reply  please clicxk the thank you button on this forum.

dditional Pension


(Ref. To paragraph of the Report given in brackets)

Decision of Government

OM issued with
No. and date

  1 2 3

Older Pensioners require a better deal because their needs, especially those relating to health, increase with age. Quantum of pension available to the old pensioners should be increased as follows:- 

On attaining age of� Additional�quantum of�pension�
80 years 20% of basic pension
85 years 30% of basic pension
90 years 40% of basic pension
95 years 50% of basic pension
100 years 100% of basic pension
Accepted 38/37/08-P&PW(A)
dated 02.09.2008


1 Like

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     10 October 2016

1 Like

vinodray parmar (professor)     10 October 2016

Many many thanks to both the lawyers for promt reply and clarification.

vinodray parmar (professor)     10 October 2016

But I still have a doubt. In the Table it is written "attaining". Does it mean completing or entering 80th year?

In the Dictionary the meaning of "attaining"

gerund or present participle: attaining
  1. succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for).
    "clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them"
    synonyms: achieveaccomplishreach, arrive at, come by, obtain,gainprocuresecuregetgrasphooknetwinearn,acquireestablishmakeMore
    • reach (a specified age, size, or amount).
      "dolphins can attain speeds in water which man cannot yet emulate"

Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 October 2016

For the sake of simpicity; Read it w.e.f. last Birthday and/or midnight of 80th DOB.

vinodray parmar (professor)     10 October 2016

Thank you Doab Sir for simplifying the querry...

1st birtday comes on completion of one year

2nd  birtday comes on completion of two years...and so on

Hence 80th birthday  comes on completion of 80 years...!

Hope, I got it right...

Confusion was between "attaining" & "completing"!!!!

Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 October 2016

You are welcome.

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