A sale agreement was made for an under construction property amounting to Rs. 56,06,000/-. Rs. 1,00,000/- was given as a token amount which is also mentioned in the sale agreement. However as the loan approval process was getting delayed, and was quite un-sure about amount of loan to be sanctioned, promoter asked me for some money which will be adjusted later. I have already given him a total of Rs. 14 lacs, out of which 5 lacs into the promoter's official account and rest to his personal account. Now my loan has been approved to a tune of Rs. 56,06,000/-. Now my promoter is saying as I have already given him some money, he will bear the expense of Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, GST, and other small constructions on behalf of me.. and the rest of the amount will be refunded back after deed registration. I am unsure whether my promoter is playing some kind of trick or not. Please guide me, what next to keep in mind to be safe.