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Adverse entry in confidential report relating to remote peri


Adverse Entry in confidential report relating to remote period can not be taken in to consideration for compulsorily retiring judge


It would be an act bordering on perversity to dig out old files to find out some material to make an order against an officer. Dependence on entries about 20 years before the date on which the decision of compulsory retirement was taken cannot placed for retiring a person compulsorily, particularly when such person concerned has been promoted subsequent to such entries. [474H; 475A] D.Ramaswami v. State of Tamil Nadu, [19811 2 S.C.R. 75 referred to.
2. The power to retire a Government servant compulsorily in public interest in terms of a service rule is absolute provided the authority concerned forms 467
an opinion bona fide that it was necessary to pass such an order in public interest. But if such decision was based on collateral grounds or if the decision was arbitrary, it is liable to be interfered with by Courts. [469 B-C] Union of India v. Col. J.N. Sinha Anr., [1971] 1 S.C.R. 791; Union of India v. M.E. Reddy & Anr., [1980] 1 S.C.R. 736; Swami Saran Saksena v. State of U.P., [1980] 1 S.C.R. 923; Baldev Raj Chadha Y. Union of India & ors [1981] 1 S.C.R. 430; and Brij Bihari Lal Aga


 1 Replies

dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court)     10 November 2012

Principle is strike the iron when hot and not when cold. You have to see what is a limitation law. If limitation law is not applied some things happened some 50 years back can be revived can we revive, if you failed to find some 50 years ago you cannot blame, so limitation system came into being.

Say you committed some impropriety you committed some 20 years ago and if did not commit same impropriety but some thing else then how can you be charged, after all that impropriety may be an error, so it is said err is human and repent is divine principle but if you try to hold that error is right then you have not matured even after 20 or 50 years then one be removed as you say my error of past is not an error!

Law works on principles, like audi alteram partem that is natural justice.

see in plea bargaining you even allow a man to get much lesser punishment so penalties are just not absolute that is plea bargaing principle that urther says in a matured wayit is reforming a criminal that is reormative criminal jurisprudence. 

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