raj123 (business) 26 November 2009
dhiraj choudhary (n/a) 26 November 2009
noramally an adv. should not stand as surety but when a person is in such a situation as told by u then he should stand as surety for his frend but this is purely my personal opinion
Poonam Upadhyay pathak (Advocate) 26 November 2009
Mr. Raj123, if he his ur friend and u know during the trial of the case he is not likely to abscond then there is no problem in standing surety.
Hardik Mehta (Family Counsellor) 27 November 2009
Since he is your friend and this is the 498a case, so there should not be any worry. You should stand for the surety for him. The court will not tie you if he absconds, you may have to then release your surety by putting the alternative bail bond in place of surety. Generally the matter is settled earlier and so dont worry. Go ahead and give surety.
sunil pagare (lawyer) 27 November 2009
It is your liablity to secure their presence in the court, if they abscond your liable to deposit the amount for which you stood as surety. court have power to reduce the surety amount .
K. Rajendra Prakash (Advocate) 30 November 2009
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
At the first instance,when your friend absconds from facing the trial,The court would issue NBW AGAINST THE ACCUSED(YOUR FRIEND.) That if the police is unable to secure your friend under NBW, Then a surety Notice would be issued to you. Therefore if your ARE confident that your friend is not a person to abscond from facing the trial then do not hesitate to stand as a surety.