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Bina (none)     08 November 2008

AIR 1987 P&H 138

Can someone kindly provide me the below judgment. I will pay for all the charges.

Judgment in case of Harcharan Singh VS Mohinder Kaur reported in AIR 1987 P&H 138.




 21 Replies

prof s c pratihar (medical practitioner &legal studies)     08 November 2008

respected binaji.

                        will send you the judgment on payment.pls open the site and put your request.however our members will  help you surely. this is just a sugession.

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     10 November 2008

for how many days will u keep on carrasing ur wound ? Your offering to pay charges is insulting, because the Advocates on this forum are not in search of money. BEAR IN MIND PLEASE.

Srinivas.B.S.S.T ( Advocate)     11 November 2008

Well said Rajan Sir. Had it been for
money I would have been using this time for my clients instead of
answering the queries and likewise the other esteemed members of this
forum. Members of LCI are allotting their valuable time in answering
the queries to do some service as well as to enlighten their knowledge
by sharing the same.  Please bear that in mind Binaji. Regards
Srinivas BSST

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     11 November 2008

go to any district court. go to the library. give the librarian Rs 3/- per page, judgment is yours.

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     11 November 2008

Mr Srinivas . your answer needs to be highlighted so that every person posting a query on this site is aware of the same. Thanx for upholding the dignity of our profession.

Bina (none)     14 November 2008

THIS is apropos of the Rajan’s concerns about dignity; Mr Rajan is the official (proclaimed) spokesman of LCI form! Rajan please tell the meaning of “carrasing”, I am hearing this word first time. ..“Brush up your English…” is your common advice to the people. You can conveniently compile a longer reply post instead of writing 2-3 replies simultaneously. Try to express your self in comprehensive way. Please maintain the modesty at least when you are writing on public form.

Try to represent yourself as a brand or ambassador if you are really concerned about dignity of profession. Brand means not necessarily Hundai vs Mercedez. A policeman sacrifices his life for country same as a soldier do, but public still doubts about the motives of the first one, the difference is only brand. The lawyer community has been the brand through out the whole independence movement.

Srinivas is another little brat. Who is making such bombastic statements even the Attorney General of the country or top class advocates of commonwealth nations would also hesitate to talk in such a tone.

Dear Srinivas if I say I am a voracious reader but I am living in rural area, could you please send an encyclopedia of law which is quite expensive. But accepting the cost is insulting to you. What would you do in this situation? I am sure you will immediately chicken out! The reason is obvious Resource constrains.

NB: Rajan and Srinivas please don’t take it as criticism. It’s just an elderly advice.

Srinivas.B.S.S.T ( Advocate)     14 November 2008

 Dear Binaji First, accept sincere gratefulness from my end for addressing me as a little brat. This term make me feel better bout my age lol. Coming to the point of Attorney General of the country or top class advocates of commonwealth nations, the basic for all them is Law degree only which myself and every other members of LCI possess. We are all on par. The difference is only the exposure they have. To speak like a little brat Binaji no Attorney General of the country or top class advocate of commonwealth nations is more knowledgeable than my friends in LCI. Now coming to the next part of your tirade I would sure send you the book if you really deserve the same. Being an ardent devotee of Shri Satya Sai Bhagavan I do always believe in service only to the extent possible by me but not  in money matters. Leave about all these things. To tell you the truth I am still trying to get my hands on that judgment. As soon as I get that, I will sure type the same for you. If you can send your postal address, I will courier the same. Please lets not talk bout payment terms. It hurts. By the way, if you feel that I have hurt you by my earlier post I am sorry for that. It’s not my intention to hurt you. Nevertheless, I want to tell you that we are here to share our knowledge and by the same time to improve it. I am sure the same is the feeling of Rajan Sir. Regards Srinivas BSST aka little brat after all I am only 33 years old and I am still young isn’t it?


Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     18 November 2008

WE do not need advice and that too from non-advocates. What a way of asking help? Your age does not give you the right to address people in a derrogatory manner. Any future correspondence will be simply ignored. You are free to go and try your luck with more appealing avenues. Good day M'am. 

Bina (none)     18 November 2008

WE (why you need to drag others, being advocate you should have some self-confidence, LCI community can’t argue on your behalf in courts) do not need advice and that too from non-advocates. What a way of asking help? Yourage (not an issue) does not give you the right to address people in a derrogatory manner (yours or mine?). Any future correspondence will be simply ignored (better be). You are free (Oh, wasn’t I free before!) to go and try your luck with more appealing avenues. Good day (wish you the same) M'am.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     18 November 2008


Hello all,

This is a Law community forum.Dont take  anything personally. Everyone has their own choice to ask a question and get the suggestion. And this is a request to all the members as well as non members..... no personal attacks. Please!

This is a firm request to all the members, don't spoil the forum. We need to discuss the question over here. And not to fight on personal level. I know you all are unknown to each other. But still I think you have some personal problem with each other. Leave all this misunderstanding and enjoy every moment after logging in besides court,clients tension. LCI Forum is a step to bring the LAWYERS Community together.

Hope this will make a difference among the members.
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.



Shree. ( Advocate.)     18 November 2008


Hello all,

This is a Law community forum.Dont take  anything personally. Everyone has their own choice to ask a question and get the suggestion. And this is a request to all the members as well as non members..... no personal attacks. Please!

This is a firm request to all the members, don't spoil the forum. We need to discuss the question over here. And not to fight on personal level. I know you all are unknown to each other. But still I think you have some personal problem with each other. Leave all this misunderstanding and enjoy every moment after logging in besides court,clients tension. LCI Forum is a step to bring the LAWYERS Community together.

Hope this will make a difference among the members.
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.





I am searching the above noted judgement & I'll soon mail u the same.Till then plz. wait & sorry for being late.

Sushil Kumar Bhatia (Advocate)     18 November 2008

All members of this forum should maintain the decorum.we all are member of one community and legal ,Madam I will send you the citation without any cherges give me your convenient address please .

Sushil Kumar Bhatia (Advocate)     18 November 2008

All member of this forum should maintain decorum,we are the members of one community and legal.Madam I will send you the citation give you convenient address please !!

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