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Sumit Kumar (IT)     13 September 2016


is 7.5 lacs permanent alimony very high for mutual divorce settlement ? both parties are educated, issueless and working but neighther have concrete proof of source of each others income.

 13 Replies

innocenthusband   13 September 2016

Originally posted by : Sumit Kumar
is 7.5 lacs permanent alimony very high for mutual divorce settlement ? both parties are educated, issueless and working but neighther have concrete proof of source of each others income.


This means your wife will easily remarry, and you do not need to pay any maintenace thereafter. 7.5L is a huge alimony for a couple without kids. Try to pay your current alimony of less than 5k per month (usual alimony granted to issueless divorce) and you'll be free from paying alimony in a few months to a year or two at the maximum.

Mukesh sharma (job )     13 September 2016

Hi sumit plz clear your quarry here your case not clear in three line plz mention clear 


A walk alone (-)     13 September 2016

It is not high after this husband is getting freedom form headache forever. Think if wife file any case against husband then husband will spend money and time in court. And if husband file contested divorce then it will also take 4-5 years. Money can be earn later but time never comes back. Go MCD pay one time alimony live happy

Sumit Kumar (IT)     15 September 2016

cost of litigation increasing everyday. till now 125 and dv pending due to effective roadblocks created by my lawyer, but dont know how much and how far they can hold

sai narayana   15 September 2016

Didn't they raised any Interim claim?

Sumit Kumar (IT)     15 September 2016

yes, interim kept pending and regular fights between the lawyers and subsequent date extension. girls family came down from 15 to 7.5 l now but adamant. 

sai narayana   15 September 2016

Your Case proceedings very interesting :-) But it's detrimental to the purpose behind these laws Crpc 125 were made, provided the petitioner is really genuine.

innocenthusband   15 September 2016

Originally posted by : noname_123

It is foolish to give 7.5 Lacs . Now a days most of the girls are morally corrupted . You can give 7.5 lacs to escape from this girl. But what if you get the same type girl in second marriage?

It is a kind of extortion going on  these days. NEVER GET EXTORED. Don't pay a single paise. Men always have advange of age. Woman don't have this advantage. Tell them you will not get married in your life again and will also not give divorce to this girl. Then they will bow down


Well said. But it seems the questioner is ignoring any advice against paying lumpsum. He seems to have already made up his mind and is just looking at the number of people who wants to agree with him. Unfortunately some people are too plain stupid to realize that they cannot be convicted without proof. 

Sumit Kumar (IT)     15 September 2016

if this is ignorant behaviour then why such divided opinion regarding the alimony. should we risk the situation to snowball into something bigger 

innocenthusband   15 September 2016

Originally posted by : Sumit Kumar
if this is ignorant behaviour then why such divided opinion regarding the alimony.


Thats because its your money and your problem. Not theirs. Everyone has an opinion until you ask them to support you financially and then you'll find that you can't find any trace of them.


Originally posted by : Sumit Kumar
should we risk the situation to snowball into something bigger 



You may protect yourself for life by transferring your monthly salary directly to the bank account of your extortionist. That way you can be 100% sure that your life will never be in danger.

sai narayana   15 September 2016

If a accident happens on a road shall we close the road itself and also stop going on any road and confine ourselves to home?? If our married lives are affected bcoz of misuse of our country's wife sympathetic law by our wives, shall we ban the marriage system itself in India, even if we do so can it solve the issue.


There are only two options:

1. paying monthly amount and wait for the moment till she gets marry - event if it takes years (preferred option, if you are grounded watching game of thrones non stop) .

2. pay agreed amount (even if it is 50L) and get rid of it. (preferred option, if your flight is waiting to takeoff)

note: astonished to see you have approached unknown public forum to decide the amount. wondering how did this case even get this far to reach an agreement.

In any context value of money is decided by who needs at what time with what quality. should visit a weekly vegetable market between 5pm to  7pm - you will know what am referring to. god bless you. i guess you dont have an 498a.


Each respondent in this thread has conveyed good suggestions based on their experiences. I dont see any divided opinion - everyone is referring to decide based on your specific case/context.

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