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not as of now (not as of now)     15 July 2013

All cases merged in maintenance



I (husband) filed for divorce firs and then wife filed RCR and Interim maintenance and crp 125, the judge merged all cases into maintenance and the he given orders for 20th, can experts tell me if he has right to merge dirvoce, rcr, crpc 125 to one case (into interim maintenance) ?



 7 Replies

vivek malhotra (Advocate)     15 July 2013

ha has taken all the cases jointly just to pronounce the order on the point of maintenance so that your wife can get maintainance only from once case nor from three cases.

Divorce petition thereafter decided on merits.


Agree with expert.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     15 July 2013

yes the judge can take all the cases and hear the maintenance from them he can decide maintenance but not divorce at last for that lot of arguments will be there and finally it will be granted and for every case individually arguments will be there because for every case the prayer point will be different but the parites are same so right now he will hear for maintenance and followed by others cases 

not as of now (not as of now)     15 July 2013

Thank you so much..

so do you think he may pass order to pay interim maintenance at this state ?

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     15 July 2013

if judge comes to conclusion he will grant interim maintenance 

shriks........... (healyhcare)     15 July 2013

1.judge would decide who has neglected whom 1st of all..........
2. the liabilities
3. then needs/ wants.......
4. then interim.......
5. then once if intrim granted your wife and her lawyer would start going underground untill you stop paying.........
6. then warnings with costs for both of you
7. then ...............if you real good n lucky judgement might favour you..........
8. good luck

Shyam (Field Supervisor)     16 July 2013

Interim maintenance is inevitable unless your wife is earning handsome salary and you can prove it with documents.

Divorce case will continue and when final judgment comes (may take 1-3 yrs), alimony will be fixed which could be eaither one-time alimony of lumpsum amount, or monthly.

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