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All my husband does is collect proof

I am married to a guy who was married earlier.Now the problem is that he treats me really badly, and I am judged for everything I do. All my husband does is record and record everything I say. I have to be careful of every word that I am talking or writing. It is such a harassement. He does it, so that I will be corned to sign the khulanama and he doesnt have to return my own money to me Or give me any maintainance. But thats not my objective - I was working on the marriage.

I went off to my parents place for a festival & then from there on he has barred me from returning. I tried doing all that his parents wanted and he wanted. But they are never happy or satisfied And I have no clue what is the reason.

I am stuck, as my husband was all the time interested in collecting proof and me trying to make the marriage work. Now I am the one who is stuck

He can easily send me a talaqnama and I am messed up for life.


 6 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     08 April 2012

Dear Querist,


I understand what you are going through. There are some systemic changes required in Islamic law in light of changed circumstances and gender neutrality. 

Well I need to dispel any shroud of doubt from your mind that if you sign the khulanama - you lose your right to maintenance. Though a woman does usually in a khula give up her dower claim (called hiba-e-mehr) but in no manner does she lose her right to maintenance until her re-marriage. 

As regards Talaq-nama - though he has the power to do so arbitrarily however your right to maintenance/dower/istridhan is intact.

Feel free to email !

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     09 April 2012

Very fine and very sensitive reply by Mr. Bharat Chugh.  I endorse everything he said.


Thank you kind members for your reply.

I do have my own sources of income (have a fixed rental from a property, which my parents gave me before marriage). And I am qualified to support myself. I am in no need of his ptiance maintainaince (which is 2000 in metropolitian city). But does that allow him to go scott free, after marrying me and deserting me for no obvious reasons (Just that the mother in law had extremely unreasonable expectations from me).

This entire process makes me angry, cheated and used.

I am just getting corned for no fault of mine & I dont even know how to prove it . Or fight for my own right.



More - they hid away my streedhan (the jewelry given to me during the wedding) and say that I have taken it away. Now what do I do in such a scenario.

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     10 April 2012

Originally posted by :Tabassum_CA
But does that allow him to go scott free, after marrying me and deserting me for no obvious reasons (Just that the mother in law had extremely unreasonable expectations from me).

This entire process makes me angry, cheated and used.

I am just getting corned for no fault of mine & I dont even know how to prove it . Or fight for my own right.


 Your postings indicate that you know fine points of indian matrimonial law and muslim personal law relating to marriage and maintenance.  You might have read domestic violence Act and I urge you to go through it once more, it may help you to solve some of your problems to some extent.

warm regards,

kumar101 (clerk)     10 April 2012

If your already so rich then why did u get married to a person who was a divorcee ?  Are you a divorcee too ?

Send some elders and see if you can settle amicable else u go ur way.


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