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S (Hr mgr)     26 February 2011

Allotment of Parking place in CHS

Dear All

I purchased flat in  2000by builder in Kurla West. Builder was insisting to buy the stilt car parking. As I was aware that Builder can not sale stilt car parking, I refused. so he harassed us in parking matters. Builder was reluctunt to form society,so in 2005 we formed the society of A,C,D,E,F wing  as some of the member of B wing was puppet of builder so they formed seprate society after our formation of society.

The builder has not transfered the title till date as the B wing not coming with us, and they are in the same plot. In AGM 3 years before it was decided if builder is not suporting/ doinghis job of transfering land to the name of society then we must approach to Society registrar / Authority but  3 year pass no output from society  Secretary/ commettee members.

Earlier very less car in before our A wing, so the society alowed the other members to park their car before our wing, There is enough space avilable before other wing but some of the members are not allowing the A wing members to park their Car and doing Dada giri by Parking their cars  before our parking space.

The society says now due to their pressure of dadagiri, that it is commen space? Anybody can park the wherever he wants. Is it justifaiable? I think A wing member should get priority in parking of their vehicale before their wing.

Or shall we make anther society and leave CDEF wing? As all member wants to seprate now themselves. from the clutches of CDEF wing.

What is the procedure for it.

 Please guide us.

 1 Replies

r.sankaranarayanan (Official)     26 February 2011

If all the members can not be accommodated for car parking the General Body can decide the mode of allotment of car parking space. The members can be given the parking space for 6 months/1 year etc. by rotation. It can be through drawals of lots. The General Body is fully empowered to decide on this.

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