Amendments to 498a as compoundable is "Idiots are proving that they are True IDIOTS".
NOTA is gud
Venki (Fin) 27 April 2015
Amendments to 498a as compoundable is "Idiots are proving that they are True IDIOTS".
NOTA is gud
pupu (Mgr) 28 April 2015
I certainly wish Mr Sohnee responds on this topic.
Just days back I cam across a debate on youtube > DD News > 'Gender Discource' > where Mr Sohnee Kapoor (also a member of this forum and quite active as well) was in the panel. And for some reason he said, that he along with other activists are trying to make the law compoundable. I was shocked to hear that from Him. A person of that stature would certainly have some background, before he support that point of view.
Any clue what could be the legal aspect of asking this amendment?
Venki (Fin) 29 April 2015
Hi All,
In this report whose link i have provided below, page no 41, Section 17A, law commission tells, there is no need to add new provision to punish women for filing false cases and it is already taken care in section 182, 211 of IPC and section 250 and 358 crpc.
If that is the case, why it is not invoked and women are not getting punished for false case filings?
The misuse of 498a and misuse of Domestic Violence Law has been increasing tremendously, but I have obbserved that with thre introduction of Domestic Violence Law, there is reductioin in lodgement of 498a cases. Although,m there has been from time to time, manmy guidlines of Police Commissionerm, High Court and Supreme Court, the same have been disregarded only for extracting money [bribe] frm, the parties. Corruptioin is the main root cause of llodgement of false cases. The guideline to makeprima facie enquiry is never done by the police. What does one mean by prima facie enquiry is that the Police has to enquire with the neighbours of the Accused-husband/inlaws, but always the statements are taken of the wife and herrelatives, friends, etc. This is totally absurd. Taking statement of wife is ok i.e. as er law but why not to enqr withthe neighbours of the Accused family who could throw light on whether there was any cruelty or dowry demand. On 17th June, 2014, I was interviewed on IBN Lokmat [Nikil Wage] where I could make state,ent that 99% cases are false there was chaos, but only after 2 weeks, Supre Court also declared that 99% cases are false. and Recently Supreme Court has given guidlelines not to arrest family in 498a case. but still police arresting under one pretext or the other. Thisis nothing but corruptiion. Let us fight against each n every case. I appeal to all those Accused family to unite together.
fighting back (exec) 01 June 2015
@adv anamika.........completely support your views on this topic..