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Manish   14 March 2017

Ancestor property

Dear All,

            I needed advice for my ancestor property. Actually we had a home in chawl area, now that home is under SRA(Slum Rehabilation Authority). That property is my grandfathers property. My grandfather has 2 sons and 1 daughter i.e. My dad, My uncle. My dad was elder in brother and younger than her sister. We had ration card where my grandfathers name and there sons and family name was included.

My grandfather died and after that my father died in 1995. There was new ration card made, where my dad's name and my grandfather's name was deleted.

The new ration card has name of my uncle's family and my father's family i.e. my mom, myself, my 2 sisters name.

The new ration card has my uncle's name as leader of the family.


My question is that the flat is made and now the flat is going to be only registered on my uncles name. As my father died can my mom's name be included as the owner name along with my uncle name. How can i include my mom's name in that if yes then how. If no then why???

Kindly help me out it would be great help.

Thanks in advance,


Manish Pathak 

 4 Replies

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     14 March 2017

File objection before authorities with family tree, death ceritificate of your father, and list of decendents of your father.

Manish   14 March 2017

Is it still possible that my mom's name can be included because my uncle is nominating his wife as nominee. How to file objection before authotities i.e. we need to make paper in court or some thing. Please guide me..

Thanks in advance,


Manish Pathak

Jai Karan Nagwan (consultant)     14 March 2017

Make a family settlement and divide the share of property according to your father and uncle share and get the settlement registered with registrar. better touch base with some of the advocate to avoid stamp duty on the registration of family settlement. local advocate can help you to insert your name in the owners colum.

kalakanda. srinivaas   14 March 2017

Hi Manish u first go to MRO office of ur area along with legalheir certificate of ur family if u r not taken legalheir certificate u apply for that with death certificate of u dad in MRO office, after getting death and legalheir certificate u go with this two certificates along with ur old ration card photocopy which was at ur grandfather is on live with the help of this four documents and ur fathers study certificate if any it's also very help full to u because in that ur fathers dad mean ur grandfather name will be there help of all this thing u will go to the authority and give application for that portion of property and u can file case in court with this document

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