Originally posted by : Ravinder.P |
There are three points to be answered relating to this query:--
One. The father had purchased the property in the name of elder son with the help of ancestral funds.
Two. The father had purchased the property in the name of elder son with an intention to purchase for all the three sons.
Three. The father had purchased the property in the name of elder son with an intention to the exclusive enjoyment of elder brother.
I welcome, on behalf of author, clarification from the learned experts on the above points separately and elaborately. What will be the position of law on each point.
1. That father purchased property from "ancestral funds", THEN the entire property would come within the defination of "ancestral property" and all the residual legal heirs of the ancestors, would be entitled to the beneficiary rights over the said ancestral property purchased using the ancestral funds.
2. IF it can be proved that it is an ancestral property (using the above theory), THEN all the family members (means all the three brothers) are equally & lawfully entitled to the ancestral property (by way of usage or sale proceeds), without reference to any sole rights of the elder brother .OR. irrespective of the fact that the father purchased property in only elder brothers name (who had attained 18 years - majority) and ignorantly could not include the two brothers name, just simply because the two brothers, were minors when property was purchased.
3. IF it is ancestral property, THEN it can NEVER be said that the ancestral property was only for the benefit /enjoyment of the elder brother, which would mean that the other two brothers would be deprived of their ancestral rights, which in turn can never be the intention .OR. within the meaning of ancestral property /rights.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal