I have quite a few question's that our lawyer either does not know about or for some reason does not an to clear up, so someone please help me to figure out if i should change him for a better Lawyer.
The short story of the whole matter is that on 2007 my grandfather died, my father and my bua went along and no one demanded any kind of partition but in 2010 after my father started repairs to the house my bua hit him with a stay order and suspended the repair work. When asked for clarification she said the work was being done without her permission and she wants a partition because its her right after 2005. My father had earlier sold a small plot and split the money with my bua but he did not know she also has right to the property since she was already married and in HUF married daughter don't have a share.
My questions are these:
1. My bua was married before 1994 "1979 to be correct" will she still have a share.
2. Does my bua even have a part legally since HUF exists and we have documents to prove it "Wealth/Property Tax"
3. My father sold a small plot with only his signatures and now my bua wrote in the stay that this was also done without her know how there is no mention of the money.
4. Our Lawyer told us that its best to stretch the case along which is a very problematic thing since our main house is falling apart and needs repairs badly.
5. My bua says she will move to the Supreme court if she does not get equal share and challenge whatever high court rules.
6. My bua wants the house and wants us to move out can she force us to move out legally.
7. My bua said whenever she comes she wants my room to stay in which I have not been living in since last year since I am in Delhi for studies right now.
8. Can the judge force a settlement, will pointing out that the demands of my bua are not possible help?
9. Heard that we can fast track the case also but our lawyer says it will not save our house and that the house will be divided 50:50.
I am in such a problem since my mom passed and my dad is the only person in my life with these cases going on and his diabetes giving him trouble every week. If it comes down to me i am not sure I can handle a case like this alone.
Someone please help...