Hello experts Can someone please tell me how state is responsible for declining s*x ratio in India?
Hello experts Can someone please tell me how state is responsible for declining s*x ratio in India?
Rahul Kapoor (Legal Enthusiast) 12 November 2012
which state are you concerned about ?
or plz elaborate your question.
Your question comes under the purview of social approach rather than legal approach unless supported by any act/statute . States can make laws to protect the interest of girl child/woman. Here focus on the the word "Can". There are some indian states where the social approach differs. Our national captial has many schemes to protect the female child.Other states too follows,but,some others have lethargic approach,thereby,you can say indirect negative effect on s*x ratio.
R.K Nanda (Advocate) 01 February 2013
society is responsible for it and not state.