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pujols20 (Techie)     16 May 2011

Any limit on number of CRPC 91 petitions for a case


Is there any limit on the number of CRPC 91 petitions filed related to a criminal case ?

There is a false 498a case for which police has not done proper investigations to collect evidences for mariiage expenses, dowry , medical reports etc. Other than that I would also need some info from mobile service providers to get call records, cell tower locations etc. If suppose only one CRPC 91 can be filed, then I need to make sure to include all of them in the single petition and I have to be extra cautiuos I dont miss any. At this point of time I see there are the two things I can add into CRPC 91( as mentioned above) but at later point of time as case proceeds I might need information/evidences from other third parties as well. That is the reason I want to confirm if there is a possiblity of filing more than one CRPC 91 petition for a particular criminal case.

 Thanks !


 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     16 May 2011

@ Author

After mentioning defense witness by way of list of their names / address mention in last para point a escape / discrition clause "Any other witness with the permission of the concerned ld. Court". Your absence to include witness / some purpose will be taken care of by this clause mentioning during process call for / sumbitting a witness list.

Amit Minocha (Lawyer)     16 May 2011

yes you can call by moving appropriate application u/s 91 and 311 crpc as the case may be

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