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AP society's Act

Dear Sir

I would ned your valuable advice on the following issues:

Who can form a society under the AP society's Act?

Who can be or can not be members of a society formed by the owners of flats in 25 Flats apartments in RR district.

There is a requirement of making Bye laws before applying for registration from the Registrar of Societies, Hyderabad. Who should be the signatories if it pertains to Apts ' Welfare namely for day to day functioning.

Can a non-owner say parents/ spouses/ dependents be signatories to the proposed Bye laws?

Can a tenant be a signatory?

Who can have voting rights during election to the office bearers of that society when registered with a bye law signed by parents/spouses of the owners of the Flats in that apartments.

Can an owner auth some one else to cast his or her vote during a general body meeting to elect office bearers?

Who is empowered to select some one else from outside to conduct election for the office bearers? Can the outgoing office bearers ( of the Adhoc Committee, as there was no past election) choose a person on their own to conduct election?

Whom to approach to lodge a complaint against the present office bearers consisting of spouses/ parents supposedly unanymously elected during general body meeting attended by only six owners out of 25 flat owners. There are two spouses , one parent who claimed being proxy to another 6 owners who were away and the flats rented. Tenants are not allowed to attend meeting by the members i.e spouses/parents etc .

Pl advice.

 1 Replies

Praveen Singh (Lawyer)     01 August 2012


Only owners can become members of Ownership flat Society and not tenants.

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