Piease give me the infirmation regarding appealate authority under payment of gratuity act in all states of India,with notification dates
manalisane (officer) 25 April 2010
Piease give me the infirmation regarding appealate authority under payment of gratuity act in all states of India,with notification dates
Sarjooram Sharma (Assistant Labour commissioner) 26 April 2010
For central government organisations and centratl government PSUs, it is the central govt. for issuing such notifications. But for sate government organisation and state PSUs and private sector, state govts issue such notifications which vary from one state to other states, for example in U.P., Asst. Labour Commissioner is controlling authority and Deputy/Addidional Labour Commissioners are appellate authorites.
Vijayarajan (Executive Director) 17 May 2010
As Mr. Sharma has rightly pointed out, in Kerala the Dist. Labour officers are the controlling authority and the Regional Joint Labour Commissioners are the Appealate authorities.
sudhirtelang (advocate) 02 June 2010
pl guide us with regard to amendment of payment of gratiuty act2010 notification date for oher than central govt employees have been given w.e.f 24/05/2010 insted of 1/1/2006 thus disparity,inequity with private/public sector employees,what is legal recourse for review for effectivedatepl discuss in detail .