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Abhishek Jain (SSE)     04 June 2011

Appearing in court for a Traffic challan

Recently my Driving license was confiscated in Noida for driving at a speed of 67 on a limit of 50.

I have been asked to appear in court on 9th of this month.

However, I am travelling out of station on that date and will not be able to make it the court personally.

Can I send someone else in my place to the court for this ?

What is the proceduere followed in court ? Do I have to do anything else excpet pay a fine ?

 8 Replies

prabhakar singh (advocate)     04 June 2011

in criminal cases personal apperance is must unless exempted by court,better visit a Motor vehicle practicner and engage him and instruct him to pray  court for an other date or to do the needfull on your behalfon 9th.

1 Like

Nitin Awachar (lawyer)     04 June 2011

Yes Abhishek, you can appear through you Counsel.

1. Your Counsel will apply for personal exemption and take a date which is covenient to you.

2. If you are willing to plea guilty and to pay fine you can plea the same through your Consel and pay the fine.

So better to find a Lawyer first or remain present on the date and plea guilty. Make sure about fine amount as per State Rules.

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Abhishek Jain (SSE)     06 June 2011

Thanks Nitin/Prabhakar,

I intend to plead guilty and pay the fine. Will i stll need a cousel for this. Can someone (my father) appear to pay the fine?

Also, Can you tell me where the traffic court in Noida is located ?

prabhakar singh (advocate)     06 June 2011

i think only accuse or his agent so authourised can do so.your father as such can not do so unless he holds a power of attorney.from you to plead guilty,and making the same will be more expensive and paintaking. i hail and practice in azamgarh hence can not help you in locating the court in noida.

Abhishek Jain (SSE)     07 June 2011

Thank you all..

For the benefit of other readers . .Noida traffic court is located in SSP office in sector 14A (just next to the noida delhi border)

Traffic fines are paid in room no 7 on first floor of the office .

I was able to get my license after paying the fine.

S. K. MISHRA (RTI Activist & Accountant Mob. 09872439347)     10 April 2012

Dear Sir,

When I have no any offence (either on road or on document), traffic police challaned me for offence - MISBEHAVIOR. I opposed such false allegations - MISBEHAVIOR, and want to write my comments like OPPOSE or DISAGREE. When I write OPPOSE and started to sign, they snatch my pen and challan book and write himself that - REFUSE TO SIGN. Please help me what I can do ? now there are 2 offence 1. MISBEHAVIOR and 2. REFUSE TO SIGN.  I am disagree with both of allegations. At the time of challan my wife also travelling with me and an eye witness of that incidents. Scan copy of challan dated 27-3-2012 enclosed.

Attached File : 339253668 traffic challan dt. 27-3-2012.jpg downloaded: 1336 times

Harpreet Singh (ABC)     05 January 2015

Hi Respected members,

Sorry for staring a conversation in middle of one on going topic. But as it is related so i am posting this message.

Today (5-Jan-15), traffic police cut my traffic challan (file attached) for not wearing seat belt of car in Noida near Indian Oil building (near Gol Chakkar). 

The traffic police said the fine amount for not wearing seat belt is 2500/- . Is that True ?

Secondly could you please guide me where and when can i bear the fine for that (traffic police was saying i can go to court one day after for bearing this fine)?

Thanks a lot,

Harpreet Singh

Attached File : 294429495 challan.pdf downloaded: 623 times

Abhinav Purwar   11 April 2017

Hi, I was challaned 7 years back for not wearing a halmet and I totally forgot about it. I don't know what to do now I was not in noida so I couldn't have got any information on it. Can any one suggest and help me what to do how to get the chalan cleared

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