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R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     30 September 2013

Appearing in-person as a respondent in criminal writ petitio

hi experts, URGENTLY HELP NEEDED, IN STEPS AND PROCEDURES state file cri. writ petition in HC bombay, against rejecting application u/s311crpc by JMFC. on which HC order issued notice to respondent(myself). I have rec'd notice from HC a day before court date alongwith application copy of petitioner. I before court on date but court discharge for day, and i have been given next date by court clerk upon informing that i have come in this case as a respondent. I file letter and presentation form as appearing party in-person before filing dept. mentioning detail of writ. I check on bombay HC website, my matter status shows at pre-admission stage, and a waited service of notice(reminder) stand over to XX/10/2013. my question is:- what is the status of this writ petition as of today. what is pre-admission stage, admission stage etc... I have to argue the matter in short for objecting to admission of this writ. I should file my say as "Affidavit in reply" on next given date. OR should I file my written reply to this writ petition supporting with affidavit on next given date. If filing written reply to the court, is required to be file before court date at the office of filing dept. of HC. pls. explain filing procedures. can i attached xerox copies of Rozanama, order copies etc.. to my reply. whether xerox copies of Rozanama, orders etc... is permissible for attachment in my reply. ( i have certified copies of those with me) If i file my written reply on next date, the writ petition gets admission automatically. I need to argue even after filing written reply, for admission of petition. whom i concern and seek more help at HC premises on court date, if required. PLS. REPLY ME AT EARLIEST DATE IS ON NEXT WEEK.

 4 Replies

R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     02 October 2013

pls. reply to this query

R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     07 October 2013

i have not rec'd. any responce. i file on saturday as written reply to this cri. writ petition alongwith it annexed xerox copies of orders and Rozanama of trila court.

i didn't know whether this is correct way of filing reply to cri. writ at pre-admission stage.

now my matter is posted as adimmision after notice.


note: i didn't know the reason why my queries are not answered not only this but many in past i have posted.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     08 October 2013

Dear Querist as you informed that you have filed your written reply/objection before court and the matter is fixed for admission, now on the next date of hearing both the parties have right to argue the matter before the court that the matter should be maintainable or not/////////////////////////////////// Contact a lawyer personally or over the phone for best advise

R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     11 October 2013

thanks sir, but i got the reply lately, as i appear before court and matter got disposed off at admission stage, as no relief to the petitioner/state.

short order of 3 para, 1 1/2 page.

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