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skumar (abc)     20 July 2016

Applicability of epf in case if employee is govt pensioner

Dear Friends, Kindly advise. We are a state govt, office and want to deploy a retired employee who is already availing pension from the Govtt. He do not have EPF account. A new account will be opened. My queries are:

a) Is he eligible for EPF contribution?

b) If Yes, then what amounts ( %age shares) should be submitted as EPF shares in his EPF account?

c) Do we have to submit his Pension share in his EPF account.

Kindly clarify.


 4 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     20 July 2016

discuss full facts with PRO of the EPF office in person or on phone.


you can also  meet APFC/RPFC if not getting suitable reply.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 July 2016

Your own HR/Personnel cell can also update you.


Or Labor Law Conslutant/Firm engaged can also do the needful.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     16 November 2016

I am sorry to disagree with mr DOab.


In govt offices, the HR persons have just no idea about EPFO.  Most of them do not understand what is this organisation and some mistakle it with ESI.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     16 November 2016

I shall prefer not to comment on agreement/disagreement and comments of Mr. Sudhir Kumar.

The sorry state of HR personnel noted and posted by you is not our doing.

They and their superiors are liable for the drought of information prevailing in offices posted by you.

They may engage a very able Labor Law Conslutant/Firm and that  can  do the needful........................including providing them with notes and education.



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