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Vishwajeet (accounts)     31 August 2010

Applicablility of PF Act


Could you please tell me the provision of applicability of PF Act to the Private Limited Companies ie when it is mandatory to register for PF act ?

Is there any exception / exemptions for above provision?

We have total fourteen employees whether it is mandatory to register for PF Act?





 7 Replies

Reetu Dwivedi (Paralegal)     01 September 2010

PF Act is applicable on establishments employing 20 or more persons.

Pratheep Kumar (Asst. Manager - HR)     03 September 2010

Mr. Vishwajeet


If the employer is willing provide the EPF facility to their employees they may apply under the volunteer EPF coverage scheme.  You may contact the nearest regional office to avail the above.


Since you have only 14 number of employees there is no requirement to cover under the EPF act. 





Pratheep Kumar. R

Sandeep Kumar Sharma (Partnor)     08 September 2010

Mr Vishwajeet,

As per Section 16 of EPF Act,  PF Act is applicable on establishments employing 20 or more persons. Since you have only 14 employees there is no requirement to cover under the same. 


Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Advocate

Chander Verma (Sr. H R & Corporate Manager)     28 November 2010

Dear Mr. Vishwajeet,


Mr. Sandeep Sharma has rightly stated that the PF Act is applicable as per the details in Section 16 of the EPF & MP Act, 1952.


But recently the amendment has been made and instead of 20 now the coverage is applicable to all those establishment who are employing 10 and more, so since your strength is 14 it's mandatory for your company to get it  registered under the PF Act.


Chander Verma

Sr. Manager HR & Corporate Planning

Priyesh Desai (Director)     28 December 2010

What is the salary limit below which PF is not applicable. What if Company has more than 20 employees but no of employees below the salary limit is less than 20 ? 


ravit (n/a)     29 January 2011

Dear Chandra Verma,

Do you have a copy of amendment, if you pl provide us.



Ravi Kumar.T.

Kirti Kar Tripathi (lawyer)     01 February 2011

I hope that annexed attachment would be able to satisfy your all the queries in this regard

Attached File : 40 40 employees provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act.doc downloaded: 1296 times

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