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Application Form to get information from Central Govt. Depts.

Application of seeking information under Right to Information Act, 2005.


1. Name of the Applicant.

2. Gender: Male/Female:

3. Father’s/Mother’s full name

4. Address for correspondence

(with Pin Code) :

5. Telephone/Mobile No.

E-mail ID (if, any)


(i) Specify the particulars of the information sought for in a separate


(ii) Whether the information sought for is required to be supplied

(a) In printed form.

(b) In diskette or floppy.

(iii) Whether inspection of records also sought

(iv) Whether application fee of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) paid and, if

so, please specify mode of payment.

(a) Please give details of the demand draft/Banker’s cheque


(b) In case of cash payment, please enclose original receipt.

(No fee is required to be paid if the requester belongs to ‘below poverty line’

category for which proof should be furnished).

Declaration of the Applicant

(a) I am a bonafide citizen of India and owe allegiance to the

sovereignty, unity and integrity of India and have not voluntarily

acquired the citizenship of another country.

Place :


(Signature of the applicant)

 5 Replies

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     10 May 2008

Thanks for the info

Shree. ( Advocate.)     10 May 2008

Thanks for application details.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     26 May 2008

Dear All, Here's my version of the RTI application. (Just to help, A semi-completed live format is reproduced.) 1. The RTI application if submitted to any State Departments / organisation, SHOULD be affixed with Rs. 10/- court fee stamps. 2. The RTI application if submitted to any NON- State Departments / organisation, SHOULD be accompanied with Rs. 10/- postal order or paid cash to the dept. Annexure “A” (See rule (3) Format of application for obtaining information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 To, Public Information Officer (P.I.O.) (“P” Ward) The Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies 6th floor, Malhotra House, Opp: GPO, Mumbai-400001 Sir, I seek information under section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005. The details are given below. If the information sought is held by another public authority, or the subject matter of which is more closely connected with the functions of another public authority, I request you to transfer the application or such part of it as may be appropriate to that other public authority and inform me about the transfer not later than five days from the date of receipt of the application as provided under section 6(3) of the Act. I also request you to supply me the requisite information in the form in which it is sought within the stipulated period of 30 days as laid down in section 7(1) of the said Act.. 1. Full name of the applicant : HEMANT AGARWAL 2. Address : (full address and phone no.) 3. Particulars of information required : Certified copies of : All communications and letters and documents received by dy.registrar’s office (P- ward), during period 01-04-2005 to period 30-04-2008, sent by “ABC Society" ... The applicant is ready to pay the necessary photocopying charges etc., as applicable and prescribed under the Act. 4. Subject matter of information : Ward - P/South. ABC Society .... 5. The period to which the information required : 01-04-2005 to 30-04-2008 6. Description of the information required : As mentioned against item 3 above 7. Whether information is required by post or in person : In Person 8. In case by post (ordinary, registered or speed) : Not Applicable 9. Whether the application is below poverty line : No. Place : Mumbai Date : 26, May 2008 Signature of the applicant
1 Like

Ashey   03 April 2009

Thanks for the information Mr. Hemant and Mr.Jayarajan


Pleasure is mine Mr. Ashey....

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