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Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     29 April 2011



Subject:  Leave letters and Application


People actually write such applications!!!

This is an actual collection of leave letters and applications written by people.


An employee applied for leave as follows:
Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife. Please sanction me one-week leave.

Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
"Since I've to go to the cremation ground and I may not return, Please grant me half day casual leave"

A candidate's application:
"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist and an accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past several years and I can handle both, I am applying for the post.

Another leave letter written to Administration dept:
"As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave.

Actual letter written for application of leave:
"My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave".

Letter writing

"I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."

 4 Replies

Daljeet Singh (editor)     30 April 2011

To Honabe Chief Justice of India

Suprem Court of Delhi

New Delhi

sub due to miscondut of polce  a lots of cases are pending against  me


I am law abding  citizen of India  and got married in 1987 i have two children one Son and one Daurhter My

son was studing in BE (Hons ) and daughter was in School

i have three floor on second floor i was risiding with my famliy and two floor i had rent out on 42.000  i was getting 19000 and my wife was getting 23000 from both floor

I have my accnentria property in Delhi  i had rent out to Brandcury commnication pvt ltd on Ground floor on monthly rent 9500 and fixture and fitting agreement  at 1150

Frist florrr i had rented out to same term and condition  but the company is Brand curry active promotion ltd

on lease agreement my wife was the first witness on the both lease deed dated  4/4/2007

till Nov 2007 there was no dispute

My wife file a  dvt act case number 3468/1/2007 and prayer in section 23 of dvt act the rent agreemnt should be transfered in my name  but the court dismss her application on ground that you are allready takijng 23000 thousand from the said property in fixture and fitting agreement

after the order dated  Mr R.K Singh MM ( malivya Nagar )

I asked the tenent to pay my rent  he told me that you are not the owner of the said property your wife is the owner  on defetive sale deed dated 14/2/1997  in that there was a legal defect she cound not get mution in revnene reconds but she claim her owner ship in  1/1 2008 and she has taken illgal posisntion to Tenent

if she is the owner on that defetive sale deed she should take the positionn to me accordance to law  and she should fille a civil suit for possition agaisnt me but  she has taken illgal posiontion to tenent

hence tenent and my wife illgally  grabed my property with out due process of law with the help of croupt police officer



and both entered a illgal lease agreemnet with out due proccess of law  and illgaly grabber my property with the help of some croupt police officer in Delhi

I have give represeation to Home mistry and prime minsty but no result came out

I filled suit for permnant injection and mandanry injection suit number in 39/2008 and 40/2008

but my wife and tenent by pass tha why i fiilled a suit for possiesioon mence profit and damgess suit number 280/2008 and suit number 281/ 2008

since !/1/2008 there was not a single fir against me

after that police has register a lots of case against me  after the getting bribe from tenent and my wife

Fir nunber 619/08   and Fir number 558/2008  in police station maliya nagar  pwd acts 31 a lots of 107/151 in delhi police

it is well setteled law in India tenent can challage the tillte of his owner after determine the lease priods and after the paying rent continouly  19 months

due to miscoundut of police now more than ten cases are pending in the various court of Delhi and i am on the raod my wife got residence oder of second floor

and she illgal grabed ground floor and first floor with the coullasionn of tenent

now I lots of Cases are pending the varioun  court

and the justice is dening for the me

1case number  3468/1/2007  in the court of priya mehandra in Saket  on one crime i got three FIR and sent for jail for 4 days

again  with out the DCP permissioin Delhi police had sent me in jail again in 498A and 406 Fir number 558/2008 maliviya Nagar

I filled a compalint to malivya nagar SHO  then i filled  156/3 in  MM court in malivya Nagar saket 1360/1/08

and cansallletion of sale deed is also pending 658/  in the court of shri lalit kumar Tis Hazare Delhi

Divorve petion is pending in the court of

Smt Ila Rawat  Daljeet Singh vs Sudesh sejwal

against tenent pending till but no result

i filled case in High court  Cr Mis 1479/2008 pending in the high court

i filled a writ petion wide number wp crm 70/2011  pending in the court of Smt Mukta Gupta  seeking FIr againt tenent on well setteled law in India Tenent illgally dispossed me from my property with out authority of law

my wife illgaly tranger the water connection and electricty conection  illgally  a lots of cases are pending in the court due to miscound of govt servent and police

i am on the raod  due to miscoundut of police and involved in land grabing

and more than ten cases are pending in the various court due to croupt police officer those are involved in land grabing

Daljeet Singh  S/o Late  kanwar Singh

permanent address 24 Adchini New Delhi 110017


presently staying at

454 Khera Khurd

Delhi 110082



Daljeet Singh (editor)     31 August 2012

Dear Sir

remove my application

with regrds


Daljeet Singh

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     14 November 2012


Dhondu, Again u r  late today??

WORKMAN: Sir, I entered train from Jogeshwari, but it went to Ghatkoppar, so I rushed back by Taxi. Sorry Sir. 


Boss: Very good, Very Good, Next time take train for Dadar. 


[not a joke; it is fact] !!!

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     14 November 2012



Pasra, Again u r  late today?? 

WORKMAN: Sir, my wife's hussy expired today . Sorry Sir. 



Very good, Very Good, Next time take care. 


[not a joke, fact of worli Factory]

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