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Arbind Kumar (Job)     19 February 2009

Appropriate punishment for Satyam Case


Hello all, please help me
I want to know that, what is an appropriate punishment for those at Satyam who intentionally filed inaccurate financial statements and why is that punishment fair appropriate for the market, the corporation, the employees, the community and the market?
With warm regards
Arbind Modi

 4 Replies

PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     20 February 2009


N.Ramakrishnan (Advocate/ Senior Partner)     22 February 2009

Dear Friends,

The question of discussing the appropriate punishments to be granted in Satyam Case is too pre-mature to be discussed now. The investigation is in the nascent stage and only after its completion can the agencies unearth the nature of the offences committed and the persons who are actually responsible for the same. Thereafter charge sheets will have to be laid by the various agencies before the competent courts and it is for the prosecution to prove their case. The question of granting punishment will arise only after the court/s finds the accused guilty of the offences alleged.

Notwithstanding the above, in such cases the accused is usually charged with the offences of Criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery, falsification of documents, Criminal breach of Trust etc under the IPC. Apart from the above the accused may also be charged with offences under the various other enactments. The maximum punishment shall be life imprisonmenet in case Criminal Breach of Trust is proved aor it can be upto 7 years for most of the other major offences. The Judge has the discretion to make the sentences run concurrently o consecutively. Hope the above satisfies your query.

Thanks, Ramakrishnan, ADV 


Arbind Kumar (Job)     23 February 2009

thanx Ramakrishnan Sir


Anil Agrawal (Retired)     27 December 2009

 Go into the genesis of growth of Satyam and then punish those who benefitted from it. Donot single out Ramlingam Raju. He was ably assisted by politicians and babus who made tonnes of money.

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