The terms & conditions in the Pre-nuptial agreement should be such that the matter of dispute between the parties concerning, the stridhan, alimony, maintenance, custody of children, property share between both be made issues therein, not if there is dowry demand which is a criminal offence and not a matter of civil dispute between both, or act of domestic violence where either of them assault the other or use physical force causing hurt or grievous hurt to other, the criminal acts of any person cannot be a matter of agreement between two or more persons as these will be against the public policy. There cannot be an agreement between two people for doing an act of criminal offence as such agreement itself is void under the Contract Act.
When I propagate the making Pre-nuptial agreement before the marriage it is not only for saving husbands from false criminal charges but for safeguarding the interest of both parties.
There are so many cases where the wife is not provided her proper due in case of marriage failure, in order to secure her financial interest and her due share in the matrimonial property where she contribute for making it even if not by her cash but by her physical labour by taking care of the home, cooking and other household chores, taking care of children and other members of the family, making it the matrimonial home where her tired husband feel comfortable after the whole day out, etc. all these matters are made clear there in the agreement before she gives her consent for the marriage, leaves her father’s house & move to her husband’s house to make it her future matrimonial home for rest of her life, why she should not be knowing where she stands & what are all her rights which she can enforce in case of any failure of her marriage.
When a criminal charge is made by one person against the other the court decide whether the charge is correct on the basis of evidence both material as well circumstantial by ones charging & other denying it cannot be decided and there cannot be any agreement between both for not going ahead for making charges or denying it, however the person who makes charge against the other of any criminal act knows it fully well if such charge is correct or not, what is found in most of the cases concerning dowry cases that these criminal complaints are filled with a motive to extract maximum money from the husband side and in this the lawyers & policemen are equal shareholder in the financial gain made by the wife side. There may even be cases where the wife herself may not be aware what all the conspiracy is going one between her parents & these legal giants, she may be having in her mind chance of once again reuniting with her husband but because of her parents & other relatives intervention she is not able to express her real desire. The matter of dowry do exist in out Indian society also because there are so many false cases going on throughout India, the husband side want to safeguard themselves financially beforehand hence they demand lot of dowry/cash, least the marriage fails & they may have to pay the wife huge sum of alimony etc. to avoid false criminal charges, this is also one of the reason for this social crime in our society. The younger generation nowadays are least bothered for the financial issues but the elders are just counting on this issue only & it is the senior generation which only want to get involved in the false litigations etc. in order to settle the matrimonial dispute of their children forgetting the emotional injuries the young couple is going through.