Hello Everyone, My wife left me and went away close to 2 years from now. I contacted a Lawyer and asked him to file a divorce petition. I have few questions and i hope anyone from this reputed lawyers club will be able to help me out.
My lawyer gave me a copy of petition which is in white paper without any stamp of court.. Is this how it works. He said the date of appearance is Dec 27th, 2013. I submitted the documents in court along with him on Oct 13th. Does it take so long to get the hearing date?
Is date of appearance the first motion. If yes, when will be the second motion. If divorce is agreed on mutual consent, how much time does it takes to get divorce. At the first motion does counselling session is done by the Judge...
I am new to this all and never thought that i would go through a Divorce some day in my life. Apologies for my questions, but i have no knowledge of all this and also the procedures.
It would really be helpful, if someone could answer my questions. I am filing the case under "Mental Cruelty"