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Avoid working with women- abuse of sexual harassment laws

Page no : 2

ROHAN (Adm)     29 July 2009



If we have to give special treatment to women just because they are women, sorry, it is not possible. They are equal. Your notion that women are more sincere and honest is your weakness for women! There is no evidence to support this theory. All men are fools who believe this same theory and pamper women! Even if we go by your theory for the sake of it, how can there be equality between men and women then?

ROHAN (Adm)     29 July 2009

@Nirav Pankaj,


You said that easily. Men have to unite and form organisations of vote-banks to ensure that politicians don't neglect their interests.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     29 July 2009

Let us not worry about men's future. They will survive, if they are fit to survive; if not, they dont deserve to survive.

Actually some recent development in human history has made women important. The first is organised job market, where they were preferred because they are better in doing routine jobs. In mass production chain, where routine work is to be done over and over again, i feel women are better. The second reason is democracy. In democracy "words" "expression" and communication is very important. I feel that in these things women are better. Thus they are able to affect the political process easily and in a better manner than men.

These situation provides a better condition to women, and deservedly they are enjoying it.

ROHAN (Adm)     31 July 2009



The most important recent human development is industrialisation and mechanisation. That has removed the gap between men and women. Further, as you rightly said, women are better at routine jobs and are better communicators than men when it comes to women's issues. While men are never open and are always scared about men's rights and issues. Democracy has given women the power to vote and express their problems. They are exploiting democracy to the hilt, while men are not even organised and are unwilling to recognise men's rights.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     07 August 2009

Women empowerment in general serve an economic purpose. It results in larger work force for the society, bigger consumer demand for industry, greater saving rate for investment- and thus it is good for the society.

But our short sigheted state is creating a situation through gender biased laws where all these benefits will be lost and what will be left is a society low on trust, high on dispute and on the brink of anarchy. May god save this country. 

ROHAN (Adm)     07 August 2009

 True. And that is exactly one of the reasons why corporates, Capitalists, economicts and others are encouraging and bombarding society with the women empowerment concept. Infact, there is much more than what you have stated. When women are empowered, there is bound to be some level of conflict in society with men. This would result in more divorces. Women, by nature are shopoholics and would always splurge. This would irritate the men. Result is divorce. Women empowerment thus helps in consumerism. Divorves help Lawyers, judges, intermediaries, police etc. More divorces would mean more business for pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry. The economy runs this way. Nobody has thought of the consequences of women working and the effect it would have on the family. 

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     09 December 2010

Men’s Rights Movement opposes the Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill, 2010 as introduced in Lok Sabha today. The bill is patently anti-men and does not take into consideration the viewsraised by Men’s Rights Activist. The proposed Act is gender biased. It only takes into consideration the grievances raised by women, and wholly ignores the men victim of s*xual harassment. 
The Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath said the objective was to enact a comprehensive legislation to provide safe, secure and enabling environment free from all forms of s*xual harassment to every woman, irrespective of her age or employment status. But, in effect, the bill is making “workplace” a dangerous place for men to work. It is making workplace dangerous for men, as any woman can file a s*xual harassment complaint against a man without any cause which will result in loss of reputation and loss of livelihood.
The definition of the proposed offence is so wide that almost anything can be alleged as s*xual harassment. It includes unwelcome s*xual behavior, s*xually determined behavior, conduct which interfere with work, humiliating conduct. These terms means different thing to different people. After reading the definition of s*xual harassment, it is difficult to pin point if there is anything which is not s*xual harassment. Further, Even men face such humiliating and discriminatory behavior at workplace. In view of this definition of s*xual harassment, there is no justification of making it a gender biased Act against men.
The proposed inquiry committee in the bill to inquire about the complaint is baised per se. It is headed by a women committed to the cause of women. It consists of women employees committed to the cause of women, representative of NGO committed to the cause of women. If so many members in the committee are committed to the cause of women, such committee cannot be impartial in the inquiry against a man. We fear that inquiry by such committee shall be prejudicial to men, prejudicial to truth and prejudicial to justice. We demand that inquiry committed must consists of people who are unbiased and objective, who can examine the complaint in an unbiased manner.
The proposed Act gives anonymity to the complainant, but no such anonymity is being given to the man against who complained has been filed. It will result in character assassination of man, defamation of man and will result in grave prejudice to men. The provision of punishment of false accuser is worded in such manner that false accusation cannot be established in any case. Further, no provision for complained by men against false complaint or intimidation of false complaint has been provided in the bill. Further, there is no provision for compensation for falsely accused man has been made in the bill.
Men’s Rights Movement demands that to stop menace of s*xual harassment at workplace, a gender neutral bill be brought which provides for unbiased and fair inquiry. The law must punishes the wrong doer, and must also protect the innocent and compensate the innocent accused adequately.

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