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Babri mosque and india's anti-muslim policy: targeting indiv

Indian regime has not yet paid me their promised money for my university services and it probably thinks it controls Allah as well and expect me to approach only God and not to ask the regime for help. Could you please apply some pressure and influence them and help me? I shall be grateful.


Babri Mosque and India's anti-Muslim Policy: Targeting individual Muslims-1
By Dr. Abdul Ruff, PhD


No matter which party - Congress or BJP - is in power, India, claiming to be a secular democracy for formality sake,   systematically pursues pro-Hindu and anti-Muslim policies.  Terrorized Muslims have taken refugee in Mideast earning  teir live ely hood and sending the remittnaces to Idnia to increae the  imageof its  zooming economy.  Those Muslims remaining in the country of obviously are forced to  face the wrath of the state and its various agencies, including private ones.

Indian state considers all Mosques n the coutry as the property of Hindus state. Destruction in 1992 of Babri Mosque, an important Islamic religious and cultural heritage in Uttarpradesh Ayodhya was the deadly culmination of hypocritically democratic, secular India's independent fanaticism. Fall of Babri Mosque is also the premature fall of both democratic and secular face and end of such fake claims have credited India into the western gang of global terrocracies.

Indian regime and UP government then run by the right wing Hindutva extremists and criminals guided the ghastly destruction of an Islamic mosque after kicking the Imam of the Mosque out and keeping the Mosque locked for years since the Independence before it was handed over to the Hindus to make a structure with mud.

Not only has Indian state protected the criminals involved and engaged by the BJP-RSS and other hard core Hindu parties in downing the Mosque , but also has shielded them from punitive measures by Indian law which is also unfortunately tilted in favor Hindu fanatics. Hon Allahabad High court in fact mocked at haplessly terrorized Muslims when it decided to divide the Babri Mosque into 3 parts - offering one each to Muslims, Hindus and Christians- as if the Mosque is an unauthorized Hindu family property. Their deliberate omission of Jews and Sikhs among others from Babri Mosque share holding remains a mystery.

Babri Mosque, like all other mosques in the country and elsewhere, belongs to Islam, and not just to Indian Muslims alone who officially belong to various political parties and consider their leaders and parties more important and above Islam. They are, even if not all of them, are hypocrites.

In fact, the Hindu parties and leaders and their media have manipulated the Imams of India Mosques so that they do not mention the Babri Mosque in Friday payers for God's intervention. In India the regime plays the role of all gods as well. No Imam is authorized to even casually mention the fate of Babri Mosque in Indian Mosques, revealing serious crack in Islamic faith in India. In stead, the Imams focus on some little non- Islamic things, possibly guessing that people do not change. For instnace they pray to Allah to help a aprticualr person who has gone to Mise deast to find  a job  ofhhhis liking  on higher wages, and help ason of or daughter  pass an examinaitn with better marks, or  quick promotion in job of a perosn who has bribed ht eiMan min advnace.  But, they refuse to ask Allh to help the musims  wiht the  recosntrucitnof Babri Mosque. Had the Imamas pruaed for the Mosque, most probably, the Babri Msoque wouldhave come back to its orginal site wher it stood as a  mute  witness to Hindutv madness for years. Had the Imams prayed for Babri Mosque, Indian riegme would be duty bound to rebuild the Mosque  pulled down by the Hindu terrorist gangs in 1992.

India, its political outfits, intelligence-media networks, all state agencies- literally every Hindu, used their power to bully the Imams and Mosque committees to shamelessly pursue pro-Hindu agenda. 

That is Indian awkward secularism.

These Imams by playing for the regime against Islam, they in fact deceive Muslims and insult Islamic faith are also anti-Islamic by substance. They and they are more than just hypocrites, they are like state criminals.

Insane Hindu criminals have pulled down the Mosque and have somehow paraded fanatic people behind their crimes, making their own crime collective one. And, when the judges shield the crimes and deliver judgments to appease these criminals, humanity would certainly lose faith in jurisprudence. These criminals are freely moving about, advising the regime and judiciary on the need to protect the Hindutva crimes.

Today, even the Muslim children are being misused by the political networks to aid the regime agendas against Islam. These children could later be used for terror operations as well on payment basis, so that Muslims organizations could be blamed for the attacks.  These boys children are being trained by parents to watch remote gadgets provided by various state agencies to conduct surveillance of others- an important component of  terror operations.

In order to convert the Babri mosque into a Hindu structure, the regime ans its media lords are jointly playing dirty tricks to negatively influence the apex judiciary to uphold the fanatic judgment of Allahabad court. In fact, recent Indian state gimmicks of parading all anti-Islamic stalwarts like Salman Rushdie and Taslima was meant for that purpose only. The terror hoaxes like the recent Israeli car explosion in New Delhi without killing or targeting anybody, are expected to make the judges hate Islam and Muslims.

In order to further advance the anti-Babri Mosque pursuit, Muslims are targeted, harassed, threatened and even kicked out of their domiciles.

That is the real face of Indian secular democracy.

I am one of the defenseless victims of anti-Muslim policy of India, persecuted and attacked by the networks. .

In this series, I present some problems I have faced in India as well general issues.

18 Feb 2012 Tues

Appeal for Retirement Benefits from CIEFL, GOI, Hyderabad, AP India

From Dr. Abdul Ruff, Ph.D

Former Teacher at JNU, CIEFL, Mysore Univ, etc.

(present address included)


Prof Mohammad Hamid Ansari

The Vice President of India

Hyderabad House, ND


UPA chairperson Ms. Sonia Gandhi

The Secretary, Higher education Gov India

The Minister for HRD Shri. Kapil Sibal

Respected Your Excellency:

Respected Sirs:

Assalamu Alaikum!



Your office kind letter VPS/R-16.03.2011/US, dated 16th March 2011)

Thank you very much. I am delighted to receive a kind letter from your office by the Under Secretary about the first action taken by your highness in asking Ministry of HRD, Higher education, regarding getting my retirement benefits from CIEFL, Hyderabad where I worked.

Since I got the letter on a Friday, I am sure I would get the justice from CIEFL, an institute of government of India, at the earliest.

I have received a copy of letter VPS/R-16.03.2011/US, dated 16th March 2011, addressed to you to take appropriate action on my appeal, to His Excellency the Vice President, for retirement benefits and other dues from CIEFL, Hyderabad, where I worked before seeking VRS under agreement with the institute. I have been advised to contact you.


With high regards I would like to bring to your kind notice the crude fact that in brief that I, upon serving many other institutions in India, joined and worked for India government at CIEFL in Hyderabad from 1986 to 2001as Reader in Russian and everything seemed to move alight until I questioned their fickle minded monkey-type behavior and roguish actions against me. For a few years I had faced enormous difficulties from the Institute’s teachers and the non-faculty institute people and ultimately I decided to seek voluntary retirement in 2001 and the Institute promised to give me the benefit of VRS and I am still waiting for the money from CIEFL. I have written letters to them but do not respond, maybe; fearing their illegal dealings with me would land them in trouble. Maybe, they were rude for some of other own reasons that I cannot guess. Such attitude is not expected of “educated, cultured and civilized” people of India.

In fact when the behavior of the institute and its agents became intolerant I moved out of the campus to stay but the problem did not end and continued to haunt me through criminal elements

Maybe the my bosses at CIEFL who think they are not just the employees of GOI like me but the owners of the institute and they created all nonsensical problems both at office, at residence and outside by hiring agents. .Their attitude made me really sick and I even left the campus to stay in a far away locality. But I found it difficult to come to the institute. They behaved like insane guys.

I think India is irresponsible - both central and state governments and their agencies. After my education, I suffered in government jobs. I joined the CIEFL thinking that it was a central government organization and would be considerate to Muslims. But it proved that is no different from state government agencies in any respect. The petrified mindset is the hallmark of all Indian offices.

Maybe the government of India has deliberately trapped me and fooled me. They have got all resources for that. I have even forgotten about the details of my services since 1979 starting from JNU and then Mysore University.

I had been on their Academic Council, Board and Society, etc but they ill-treated me. I appeal to you to kindly look into the matter.

I earnestly request you to kindly ask the CIEFL people to respect their promise and release the VRS benefits without any further delay. It is bad on my part to say that they behaved like rogues and continue to behave so and they have not hesitation in doing so. I have represented this case with many in Delhi including the former HRD minster Mr. Arjun Singh. But they all suggest I must go to court and collect money by talking to the advocates on percentage issue. I am not willing to go to court to get what is my due after I worked hard for years in Indian institutions. Court did not appoint me at CIEFL.

I appeal to you to kindly take steps to get my retirement benefits and punish the CIEFL rouges for everything they have done to kick me out of their supposed private property called CIEFL.. I am sure, Sir, you will respond to my cry. .

Indian cruelty is unique as I have experienced it personally for years both in service and after it now without being able to work, rest, sleep or move about. From front to back I am being under constant surveillance and attacked. Remote facility is provided even to third-rate street fellows only to create a sense of insecurity in me.

The Victim of the secret networks, illegally interfering even in my sleep by creating nightmares and terror shows. I have known India to be very cruel to me in all respects and irresponsible to my repeated appeals. . .

I hereby request you earnestly to pursue the matter with CIEFL through instructions to settle my dues amicably.

I shall be grateful to you and others who help me in the regard.

I have placed a genuine complaint and I am looking forward to your kind action and response in my favor.

I am eagerly looking forward to hearing positive response form the ministry as well as CIEFL.

However, it is painful to say that the concerned officials from GOI, Tamil Nadu have not responded to my appeal so far. That is how Indian system functions at national, provisional and local levels. Hence I write this again to earnestly appeal to you to kindly pursue the mater.

Maybe, many of Indian paid officials, including at CIEFL draw a lot of sadistic pleasure at the sad fact that me a Muslim keeps appealing to an essentially Hindu/Hindutva India for justice. I am helpless. It is my fate that I chose to work for India governments. .

I opted for VRS when they refused to stop the menace and agreed to pay me the VRS. But now they do not even respond. That is CIEFL of Indian government.

Long back I gave my bank (SBH) account in TVM-Kerla- but they are deadly silent like state terrorists and unresponsive and irresponsible

The CIEFL refuses even to acknowledge my letters of request for obvious, possibly false self-defense reasons.

And if, however, you assert that India would not keep its word and I must forgive India for being so mischievous and misbehaving to me after availing my services, I might, knowing Indian mindset against Muslims, consider that as well. Please inform me. After all India used criminals against me even in a running train from Delhi.

I hope you will ask the CIEFL to keep their word and give me the VRS and other benefits they agreed to.

Please give me justice!

I am grateful to you for your quick action. Allah is Great.

The CIEFL refuses even to acknowledge my letters of request for obvious, possibly false self-defense reasons.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Abdul Ruff

(Former reader in Russian, CIEFL, Hyderabad) Camp: Trivandrum

Mailing Address
(present address included)

PS : I worked at CIEFL because that is funded by the government of India. If the CIEFL ignores your direction to help me with paying my dues and VRS benefits as promised by them that is most unfortunate and I appeal to your Excellency to take steps in getting the payment made from government/PM funds directly. Already I have been harassed for too long and any more delay on GOI part would entail disasters for India which uses remote technology to harm me in during my sleep about which I had written to former President Dr. Abdul Kalam who promptly replied that he had passed on my letter of serious health concern to the ministry of technology, but, unfortunately, nothing has happened till day. I continue suffer from various problems created by India for working for it sincerely. CIEFL people troubled me a lot, without letting me work, move about on the campus, stay in my official flat on the campus, or even sleep. They in a coordinated effort made terrible noises above my ceilings and used remote gadgets to monitor me to trouble me. I began coming to the campus very late after dinner so that there could be less gang menace, but they used police to harass me, beat me while opening my flat in the night and handed over to police as if I was an outsider break opening an Institute flat but even police knew it was my flat but they played joint operations against me. Even the courts knew it but they were "performing " the duties assigned to them and refused to help me and also wanted to punish me. That is the worst part of my life in Hyderabad. And it became too difficult for me to stay on the campus there. I stopped living on the campus went to far away to live among outsiders but I faced problems outside as well. then i sought voluntary retirement for peaceful life but that is also denied by the networks.

PS2:  I am aware the state expects the  ordinary citizens who have no connection with the regime  must go to court and police station  and  seek justice if available.  The regime hleps only favored people. If I go to a Hndu structure to worship regularly I am damn sure the regime would have favored me and would have got mu VRS and other benefits long ago as promised by the CIEFL. In fact if I had visited a Hindu stricture in Hyderabad, my life would have been different and brighter and the CIEFL rouges would not have forced me to surrender the hard earned  job in the first place.  And now  I would have even reached the level of APJ Abdul Kalam. But  I would have failed at another, much more important level which alone matters to Muslims. If Allah is powerless, I cannot be powerful to make India pay. .

Maybe, many of you who read my letters derive a lot sadistic pleasure, including guilty pursue, because a Muslim  keeps appealing to the anti-Muslim Hindu state. but I can only pitty such rouges.

د. عبد راف

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA  & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309


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