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shalini (software engineer)     23 July 2012

Bail granted with out hessels

Hi ,

Finally my brother who is a gov employee got the bail from lower court itself.

Opposition lawyer : The confession letter(accepting her affair)has been written by the girl was under pressure.
Our lawyer: then why the girl's father and brother also signed on this letter? Were they under pressure to sign this letter?
Opposition lawyer : Filing the divorce is the cruelty to the girl
Our lawyer: we filed the divorce on the basis of girl's cruelty as she had an affair with the boy named "xxxx". Please see the proof attached to the file
Our lawyer: the FIR has been done on the basis of a medical report which says that the wound to the girl are because of an accident
Opposition lawyer : Where did you get that page which says that the wounds are based because of an accident
Our lawyer: Its in the record of the hospital. I request the judge to get the copy from the "xxx" hospital" ( We didn't have the certified copy but still it worked. We bribed to the hospital to get this report)
Jude: I know that filing the divorce is the cruelty to the girl but seeing all the proofs , it seems the girl had an affair and bail is granted..

Me and my brother were sure our case is very strong but because of corruption and his gov job we were so scared. My mother was on bed for 3-4 days in these six months. I kept thinking what way is right...fighting against the corruption or let go and give the money. All the documentary proof gave us the strength to take the risk and throw the money on the lawyer than giving it to the girl.

I know its long battle but this bail has boosted my family's belief on GOD and hard work.


 8 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     23 July 2012 time on forthcoming (reverse) Raksha Bandhan D - Day that means ha ha
2. 3/4th. battle already won :-)
3. So when your side is filing "girl beating boy in public " as a pressure CASE  and did she not come prepared to beat your brother today :-)
4. You remind me of one of my known admirable acttivist person- Uma Challa of  who left cushion IT job in USA and came to India with her brother to give a good fight to errant WIFE of her brother and ultimately they won the false cases.

Did you know above bail facts message is boosting morales of so many unfortunate brothers / sisters here reading it who got struck in false 498a / 406 / DP / DV case matters.

Keep up such postings.

PS: Next time I look forward to hearing latest in "girl beating boy" matrix :P

1 Like

Never Give Up (Fighter)     23 July 2012



Congratulations !!!!


Tajobsindia Sirjee,

I totally agree with you , i have read Challa blog from their legal proceeding starting till end. Indeed Never say Die spirit. I would love fellow fighters to read that blog and get inspired

I personaly like this part of the blog, and have already planned to order print T-shirt uploaded in the link below,


Never Give Up (Fighter)     23 July 2012

@Shalini and other Fellow fighters


I hope you would find below t-shirt design useful when you and your family get acquitted from 498A.


Source :

Anis (Asst. Manager - Sales)     24 July 2012

Congratulations Brother. Now teach them a lesson. Fight the case on merits. All the best.



shalini (software engineer)     25 July 2012

thanks all. the girl side extended the DV date today and I don't know their intention behind this. Later they spoke to my father and said that they are ready to compromise but condition will be theirs. My father replied that it could be yesterday but not today .  My father further said that today we got the bail and so conditon would be ours. Let see if they further approach us. Please advice us how to proceed further.


Do the girl alwyas win the DV case? How much would be the maintenace when the girl wins. How long it might take?

Can we do counter case like using the medical report at this time or it will increase our hassel than getting anything out of it.....Please guide us to decide further course of action.





Congratulations Shalini !

babusingh (job)     29 July 2012

congratulations, Truth is always truth.

Abdul (executive)     07 August 2012

i feel this 498a is seperating husband and wife. and the girls are not understanding this and misusing 498a when their brain get washed by her mother.

indian govt must ask women to follow indian tradition. no man is bad if his wife is good.

but wife has more expectations from husband if he cannot fulfill they go for 498a.

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